Voting ugh. MN yes or no

Why is it we vote for president when our votes don't even count? It's the representatives from each state that vote and it counts?
Also who's voting yes or no and why?
eveeytime I see those signs I think. The gays are going to egg the antis and the homophobes are going to egg the gays lol.
not only do I have a gay fil I have a gay bil and also a cousin.
I don't understand everyone logic but the most annoying commercial is the one where they say. "vote yes, because if you vote no they will teach it in school" my comment to that is. Kids already know, whether it's taught in school or not. Not learning about it isn't going to change their sexuality anyway!


  • I am with ya! So tired if watching these commercials talking about the 'issue' of gay marriage...I am sorry but unless someone is forcing you to marry someone of the same sex, it's not an issue! Who cares what gay people do! If they want to commit their lives to each other then more power to them! Everyone needs to get over it! And for those that are religious and say its a sin...don't worry about how they sin...just worry about your sin! People are to damn worried about what others are doing, when they need to stay in their own freaking lane!!

    {steps off soap box}
  • I personally do not have any family members that are homosexual, but Im not against them. i think everyone should have the right to choose who they want to spend the rest of their lives with. I know that according to the bible, this is a sin... but why should i worry? someone else's sins will not affect God's view about me. People need to learn how to agree to disagree and respect other people's decisions. Its really simple.
    kids now a days know about sex WAY before it is even introduced into their health classes. As a matter or fact, a lot of kids have had sex by the time they are talked to about it. If kids know about sex that early on, they sure as hell know about homosexuality. Fact is that no matter how much we try to lead our kids down the right path, they will always make their own decisions. I hate to know that my kids will one day have to experience the bad parts about life, but i can't do anything about it. I just hope that my kids pick up on what i teach them and hope i did a good job.
  • Why do others always feel the need to pick at certain groups of people for they way they choose to live their lives, it's not their lives to worry about. [-(
  • There are much more important issues- NDAA, SOPA, CISPA - than abortion or gay marriage. Those are all simply distractions in any election and it should sway no ones opinion in regards to choosing their candidate.

    However, I agree. The electoral college needs to be abolished as our individual votes are pretty much just for fun

    The next decade of leaders has been decided already for a long time now.
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