Blood work check

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
So I called to make my appointment today. And told them I was still spotting. So they had me come in to have my levels checked today and I will go in again on Wednesday. They made me really nervous! I know spotting is not completely normal. But I am having no cramps and it only happened once yesterday and once today and stops instantly. I have also had a cone biopsy done on my cervix and have always been told my cervix is high! But now I am just paranoid I am 5 weeks and 1 day


  • Good luck! Praying your levels keep going up and you have a healthy pregnancy!
  • Thanks me too!
  • Thanks everyone!! It's just weird. I realized today it only happens when I bend down and pick my son up a certain way he's 16 months. I don't know if it has anything to do with it or not? But I can't wait till Thursday to finally know!
  • Just take it easy. I bled/spotted with all three of my pregnancies and only one was a miscarriage so it can be very normal! If you notice it more when picking up your son, try doing it differently. Get him to stand so you don't have to reach as far, or sit on a chair and pick him up. And only do it when its really necessary! X
  • Thanks they haven't called yet today to tell me my levels were low for as far as I am. So I am hoping they don't and Wednesday is good. This is my fourth and it's never happened so I'm a little freaked out.
  • Maybe the placenta is a little low & that's why you're spotting with picking up your little one. Just take it easy, prayers!
  • Update... Going for ultrasound at 5:15 at the hospital my levels Monday were 384 Tuesday night 425 wen. 348 so their dropping along with the bleeding and spotting but no cramping so most likely miscarriage
  • I'm so sorry girl!
  • Im sorry hun
  • I'm so sorry! :(
  • Still no answer no one can tell me what's going on! I am so frustrated I am tired of the false hope! Ultra sound tech said there were no changes from the ultrasound Tuesday night cervix is still closed and the bleeding is so light is almost no existent. Just brown when I wipe not even getting on a panty liner! I just want answers!! And no one can tell me :(
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