Has anyone had this kind of scary dream?

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
I had a dream I was losing the baby the other night and I can't shake it, it scared the hell out of me.. I have never had a dream like that with my last two pregnancies! Anyone else had a dream like this?


  • I did! I was around 8-9wks and I had a dream I was miscarrying. It was very real and scary :(
  • Shoo, that makes me feel better, I feel like its going to happen cause it was just so real!
  • I had all kinds of dreams I would also dream a bad spirit was always trying to take my baby it was scary
  • I did too not that long ago. Im terrified. after losing a baby at almost 5 months and ttc for over a year, i would seriously go insane if it were to happen again this time around.
  • I always did with all 3 kids...its so real and scary! Or it would be like they were already like one yr old and I'd actually lose them...one dream was the government was regulating how.many kids you could have and I had to decide between my son and my unborn son bc you couldn't have two children or the same sex...omg that dream I woke up bawling:'(
  • I had horrific, graphic and realistic nightmares during my pregnancy. My doc said it was 100% how my body was handling my stress and anxiety. I had miscarried before and was extremely nervous for the first 2 trimesters.
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