shin splints?

edited November 2012 in Health
Anyone get these from running?? I just started running (well jogging) recently and I get shin splints SO bad :( I'm not sure how to avoid them and I'm really loving jogging right now but sometimes it takes almost a week to heal. Anyone ever dealt with this??


  • Yup I have. It's usually caused by running too much on your toes, rather than running with your foot landing from back to front. Focus on landing each step closer to the middle of your foot, and rolling it forward as you push off.
  • @Natashalynn thank you I will try that!
  • Also how old are ur shoes. A person who runs regularly should be changing them out every 4-6 months. I had some foot and leg pain and I got new shoes the other day...totally can feel the difference
  • @kayleigh they're 9 months old, but I just started jogging a month ago. Before that I only wore them to do exercise DVDs in the house lol
  • You can stretch the muscle on your shin by pointing your toes backward and learning forward. Does that make sense? It feels amazing after dealing with shin splints for a while.
  • I have been runner forever love it used to compete but now my friend and I just do half marathons just for fun. Well first u need to get show fitting, if you're are getting old. For people that are more sensitive get something that has a lot of support in your ankels. U always need to stretch out before and of course after. And as far as running on your toes that is falls u want to push of with your toes part of it is just they are soar and with time will get stronger.. Never use the whole foot to land on that is how people get serious knee injuries. The couch that got me in shape was an Olympic long distance runner her name is Ruth wysocki she's still amazing tell this day even though get career with it is over. Is injury free and does at least 5 miles daily. So trust me when I say do not plump on you're entire foot please :). Just remember at first it's just more of them being soar very normal so don't give up. What helps a lot of people is after you're done and u stretch use tennis ball and go up and down on the front of your legs it also kinda like stretching releases the tention then after u cool down put your legs in ice water 3 to 5 minutes helps the muscle heal faster so u can be out again Tom :).
  • @Jules thanks for all the tips!
  • Ur welcome I love running so it's great seeing others get into it it's great way to release stress and I take my daughter in her jogging stroller she loves it :)
  • I ran track n cross country in middle school and hs. I do NOT miss shin splints!!!! A good shoe fitting at a shoe store that specializes in running is a must!! I ran 6 miles a day min. And got new shoes every 3 months.
  • @jules I wasn't saying whole foot, just not solely on her toes.
  • @natashalynn oh I know I was just trying to over explain I guess . IM sorry if I came off as though I was saying you were wrong. I do not think that at all :) please forgive me.
  • @jules no no, its okay love. I just wanted to clarify. I realize my message to you sounded very curt, and that was not my intent! My first message wasn't very clear either I guess lol.
  • @natashalynn well thank you.And glad we could clear it up.
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