Braxton Hicks/Contractions

edited November 2012 in Third Trimester
Fact; I know babies do not ball up in womb

But my stomach tightens in certain areas and I know it's not the baby so is that a Braxton hicks ? These contractions things are something I just don't understand at all or what I am looking for.i never had cramps when I had my periods just some achy feeling but never a cramp and when my stomach tightens its always in a one spot. I just need a clear understanding of how or what to look for in a Braxton hicks or contraction


  • Usually your whole tummy feels tight during contractions. One spot could be a baby body part. Mine pushes out her head or butt in one spot a lot.
  • I can never tell what kind of body part it is *sad face* and most of the time I can't feel any parts IM TOO FAT !
  • Every nurse has told me... if you can change the pattern of the pains/cramps then its BH. You cant change.contractions. so walk around, sit down, drink water, pee... if the intensity or length between pains changes then its just BH. Also, I was having tons of contractions at home but just thought it qas baby stretching in one spot. A contraction doesnt have to be felt in the whole stomach. When i was induced and the machine was showing my.contractions the nurses had to tell me because i thought he was just stretching like i.had felt at.home.
  • Okay that helps me a lot ugh i shouldn't have these questions if my first pregnancy was normal but it wasn't and now I'm feeling all these things and have no clue what's what
  • Oh dont feel weird. I had two full term pregnancies within 2 years and I still had questions. I didn't even know what a contraction felt like during my 2nd pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different.
  • I'm trying and I'm glad I have this site to ask questions because my mom and sister never know nothing and they both had kids lol
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