Yeah from what she said she's taking a break... I find messed up that both moderators got up and left right after the drama incident .... I mean they have the ability to pretty much control the site...
That's what I mean I find it strange how homebirthadvocate and mama_kat both just left their roles and left pregly...right after that drama incident too....@ashley_smashley
She left bc she needed time away from this crazy app....she didn't want to be removed as a was done behind her back... How is this not clear? @mylove2
Mama kat was one of the most helpful active and sincere people on here so that's why Martin asked her to be a mod... she did it for free and she got attacked contsrsntly.... I was on here before she was one
@homebirthadvocate would that have anything to do with kat leaving? Cuz when she left didn't everyone she banned get unbanned? If so, would that mean if she made you a mod then her leaving took that away too? Maybe?