Suggestions...need help :(

edited November 2012 in Breastfeeding
My supply has gone down and I'm scared its going away all together. I'd be devastated. I used to be able to pump 5 onces and still be able to feed her in the morning. And I take a class and when I would get home my boobs would be like rocks and just this week it's nothing like that. I really don't want to loose my supply. Any suggestions on how to get it up? Plz help.


  • She's probably eating more and draining your breasts more now and you are mistaking her draining them with decreased production. Your breast will adjust to her needs; supply and demand. I wouldn't worry so much about quantity. Only become worried if you notice a change in her satiety level (i.e. failure to gain weight or not becoming satisfied at the breast), although I'm sure she's fine.
  • @mijita it's been like this for about 3 or four days now. How long does it take to catch up. I have my class Monday and Wednesday and I feed her before I leave at 530 and I don't get back till 10 usually my boobs are rock hard but Monday and Wednesday this week they didn't even feel that full and I pumped and there was only 4 oz. 2 1/2 from my dominate breast and 1 1/2 from the other. I'm just scared. I love breast feeding.
  • Weird question I know but...are you on your period, or getting ready to start? I ask bc my supply would always drop right before my period, and be that way for the first few days.
  • There's always fenugreek, extra protein, and water, water, water...

    Although I agree with mijita that LO is draining more efficiently..your body makes what it needs. Also remember that you may actually have more than you think in there. Pumps are not good indicators if what's in there bc they aren't as effective as your baby at sucking.
  • Gatorade cliff bars oat meal water fenugreek all ways to help. Also make sure lo is not going through a growth spurt or cluster feeding. You could also try power pumping.
  • edited November 2012
    @brodysmamma power pumping?
    @ashley_smashley she just doesn't seem satisfied. And I know a pump isn't a good indicator I was just saying its changed from the usually. It feels like I've started all over again. How long is it gonna take my body to catch up cause this has been going on for what feels like forever.
  • edited November 2012
    Oh and I don't think I'm going to start my period I still haven't really had one besides the postpartum bleeding and I bled through when I got my implanon for about two weeks but no period. @ashley_smashley
  • Power pumping is a way to increase your supply you pump for 5 minutes ever (I think 15 minutes) for an hour. Helps increase supply.
  • Almonds! Any raw nuts for that matter. Steel cut oats. Lots of water!
  • The engorgement and rock hard feeling will actually start to diminish over time and you will still produce enoigh. Just keep goin! Stay hydrated
  • My midwife put me on reglan. It has helped soooooooooo much!
  • Any chance you're pregnant? That can hit supply and did for me instantly. If not, I second everything ashley_smashley said...
  • Uh I don't think so @ourlittlenugget I have really had sex but once or twice since having my daughter and we used a condom and I have the implanon. So I really hope not [-X
  • Uh-huh! 6 months without sex, then twice in the space of 3 days (once with a condom) and baby girl is on her way...! I'm sure you're not, though...LOL :-D
  • I took a test this morning and it was negative @ourlittlenugget
  • @ourlittlenugget I keep getting these weird flutters in my baby making area lol I don't see anyway I could be pregnant but it's got me worried...cause if I would be feeling something then that test I took should have come out positive. But then I think it might just be me freaking and it's nothing :/
  • @a_wagner how is it going now? I am starting to notice the same thing happening to my supply and feel like panicking! My lo is 4 months tomorrow so i am hoping he is being more also seems like he is wanting to eat more and waking up several times at night to eat.
  • It's back. I don't want to say to normal but I'm able to satisfy her. I just don't have a lot of extra. I just drank the tea a few days. Drank lots of fluids and started taking my prenatal again. @star4221
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