Pregnancy after vasectomy?

I'm wondering if anyone has ever gotten pregnant after their husband's vasectomy? My husband had his vasectomy right before Christmas of 2011 and my period is now 7 or 8 days late. I took 2 pregnancy test and they both said negative, but it is just not normal for me to be late like this. And I just feel pregnant.


  • I do think there is a chance, but i am not 100%. Good luck though! Hope someone can help you, and keep us updated!
  • Yep that's how my youngest sister came into this world! Can and does happen!
  • I have mixed emotions about it if I am pregnant. I have one little boy now who just turned one on Sept. 30th. He has PKU which is a rare genetic disorder where his body does not metablise protein and he has to be on a special diet his whole life. And it's possible if I am pregnant, this baby could have it too. His speical diet is very expensive! I also was a high risk pregnancy with him due to blood clots. If I am pregnant God obviously meant for it to be. I'm sure Carson would love having a baby brother or sister. I'm going to go buy more pregnancy test tomorrow and ill keep you all updated.
  • Good luck! Wishing u the very best. Keep us posted.
  • Thats how my youngest brother came about!
  • Ive seen a few people get pregnant after a vasectomy. Sometimes the cuts they make grow back together. Like in some cases a womans tubes will somehow fuse together again after a ligation
  • keep me updated also. : )
  • Good luck keep me updated also ! :)
  • I took another pregnancy test today. Still negative and still no period. When my husband was getting his vasectomy the power went out during the surgery and the urologist had to finish with flashlights. Both sides got cut and tied but the urologist was only able to burn one side. So id say its very possible the side that didnt get burnt could have grew back together. I actually got depressed after my test said negative today and I cried. I already had a doctors appointment set up on Tuesday for my yearly pap smear, so if I dont get my period or a positive by then ill have the doctor do a blood pregnancy test
  • My friends husband had a vasectomy recently and he still had live sperm at his post op check. It can happen.
  • Did hubby have a count done 6weeks post opp
  • Yeah, he had 2 actually. Still no period, still negatives on my pt.
  • Started my period this morning :( @Roxy @MommyLovesSparkle
  • It is very, very rare. The majority of pregnancies occur in the three month window in which sperm needs to be tested for live ones. If he tested negative three months out, it is unlikely for it to "reverse" itself. Not impossible, but just too unlikely. I haven't seen any of my vas patients end up getting their wives pregnant (5 years post op, ten years post op, etc). Maybe you should consider a reversal? Since you seem to be a little down about it? :(

  • Well just an update, im not giving up my hopes of being pregnant until next month just for the simple fact when i got pregnant with my son my period was late in November, i started my period, then it was late again in December but i was pregnant that time. My body still just feels weird. Me and my husband had a long talk about it all though and we were starting to like the thought of having another baby. So, he told me if im not pregnant and I wanted another baby that he would go get the reversal done for me :) My insurance covered the surgery but i dont know if it would cover the reversal?? Does anyone know?
  • Alot of insurance companies don't because it's intended to be permanent. That's why they're so adamant about being 100% sure you're done having kids before doing a vasectomy.
  • Unfortunately it is not covered by insurance :( I have to break this news to patients all the time. Well, at least all the insurance ive seen. The doctor I work for says it costs about 10-40k for a reversal. Hospital costs, OR costs, labs, doctors fees, anesthesia fees, pathology etc. :(
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