I need to get over myself. My LO is NOT an infant anymore!

edited November 2012 in Ages & Stages
I need to face it... And get over myself! My LO is not a baby anymore.

Haylee is 16 months old and I need to realize she's NOT a baby anymore. SHE'S A TODDLER (A midget adult)

I need to STOP nursing on demand. I get twice as many stares in public now that I'm nursing a "toddler"... She doesn't fit on my lap like she use to. Her legs are 1/2 to the ground now. LOL

It's time to go to only twice a day nursings. Naptime and bedtime only.

I need to STOP putting her in her infant carseat/stroller. When my baby is stretching for leg room.... maybe that's a hint.

It's time to retire the infant carseat.

I need to STOP trying to swaddle her in her receiving blanket after bathtime. When her legs and feet stick out that should tell me something.

It's time to find toddler blankets.

I need to STOP trying to feed her. When she can tell me no, shakes her head then points to her tray, and reaches for her own spoon...just MAYBE she's trying to tell me something. LOL

It's time to convert to ALL finger foods for her and let her spoon feed herself.

I don't know about you but now that my LO is beyond 12 months, I just can't get it in my mind that she's no longer categorized as a baby...

She's a walking, talking and lil independent toddler now.

Mommy... Get over yourself! LOL


  • Lol. Jack is so independent I stopped feeding him around 10 months. We had to retire the infant seat at 6 months because he exceeded the weight limit. He just turned 1 on Halloween and is sad because he is my last baby and I wish I could keep him that way forever, but he won't let me :(
  • LoL I have the same problem! When I went to the store to buy his Halloween costume I bought it in 9 months knowing full well he would be 13 months then....had to return it bc it was to small...when the cashier asked why I was returning I told her bc I was in denial about how big my baby was.... Lol
  • LOL @ @ashley_smashley they need a 12 step program for us moms in denial.

    @sands3 ... I tried to retire it at 12 months but shes so tiny my Dr said she needed to be turned backwards still so I brought it back out again. Shes still can wear her 9 month old onesies and PJs so you know she's tiny.
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  • They have ones that can go rear facing as well, that's what we are looking into. The 3 in 1..from rear facing all the way up to booster. That's crazy she can still fit into 9 month clothes! My lo probly could in length but her belly is too big lol.
  • Ok the infant seat is taking it a tad bit far lol!
  • We were out of the infant seat around 5 months. And wearing 9 months clothing at seven months and 18 at a year. So there is not a lot if room for denial he is just to darn big.lol. My sister has a2 year old and my 1 year old is bigger. I am not complaining bc he is my lil man but a lighter baby would have been nice.
  • Lily is still in an infant seat in her daddys car because she still fits the weight and height limits but in gonna need to get another carseat for his car soon and she just turned a year
  • The infant carseat is good up until 30 lbs and shes only 26 lbs .. we have a regular carseat too but she hates it. I brought the seat into the Drs office hooked into the stroller. She said to keep her in it until she's 30 lbs since she's so small and definitely don't turn it forward. A lot of parents do it too soon. I told her my concerned about her leg room and she laughed and said most parents say the same thing... Not to worry naturally babies will draw their legs up instead of keep them stretched out anyway. To be more concerned about her neck then her leg room.

    I love thr infant away cause I can pop it in and out of the base when she's sleep.
  • My lo just turned one yesterday and is still in her infant seat too. We are keeping her rear facing as long as possible.
  • I'm still using the infant carrier too... my lo turns 1 this month. And i just recently decided to stop nursing. She also started walking about a week and a half ago. I'm crying over all these milestones because she is my final baby :( i don't want her to grow up!!!
  • Haylee is my last baby too. I have 4 kids 20, 10, 8 and 1 ... My tubes are tide now so I'm trying to keep her as in infant stage until she's at least 13 years old. LOL
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