Getting irritated

Im getting really irritated. We had a good size snow storm that started friday morning. Roads werent good. My sister was stupid enough to drive to a place thats about 45-50 miles from where she was. Well on her way back she got in a little accident and got her car impounded due to driving under the influance (she had loratab in her system). She shouldnt have gone that far in first place because of the snow. So now she has no car. And needs tons of money to get it out and fixed. Well my mom "relys" on me way to much to be a perdonal taxi. She has no working car and is doing her best to live in a motel. Which I have ended up helping her stay in at times. This bad weather makes me want to stay home til I have to go to work. But of course like always she wants a ride somewhere. I told her I didnt want to go anywhere because of the roads. So then she said she would walk. Well my moms health isnt good &nd its not very close (where she walking to). So of course im going to g#t ready and leave early. Ugh. Im just tired of being taken advantage of.


  • I hate to say it...but if you don't want to be taken advantage of then stop letting them. If your mom says that she will walk...then let her! It's her health...she knows you'll cave and say you'll take her...
  • Agreed! ^^^ i highly doubt she would actually walk and if your sister is stupid enough to do that she needs to live with the consequences so that she can learn. Be strong! :)
  • Yeppp!!! ^^^^^^
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