best thing for colds

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
Both me and my lo got sick I'm so stuffed up and have runny nose too I wake up this morning and have a sore throat. But no one seems to know what I can take safely and its getting annoying cause I can't breath and my boss is mad cause I'm sick again 3rd time in 2 month.... please if you know something good to take while prego that will knock this out fast please share


  • Bump you may have to call your doc and have them call in something for you.
  • There is a short list.of things you can take while preggo, I remember Robitussin was one, but a specific one so check with your doc. If u have aches and pains take tylenol, that's safe. I had a bad flu last week and all I took was Tylenol and it did help. Hope u guys feel better!
  • I think its robitussin dm
  • Yeahbi was told to take regular strength tylenol but I want this runny/stuffy nose the most
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