what are your little ones saying?

edited November 2012 in August 2011
My son was born 8/29/11 and says upwards of 35 words: mommy, dada, go, stop, shoe, sissy, Sarah, amie, papa, baba, diaper, poopie, cracker, cookie, okay, abby, stinker, pop pop, tickle tickle, vroom vroom, grandma, beepa (grandpa), thank you, here you go, boompa (my step dad), circle, sandi, dog, meow, ruff ruff, book, no, two, pee, aww, ow, hi, bye... I know there are more i just can't remember. This seems like a lot, but I'm not around that many one year olds! His vocabulary just took off and he learns a new word almost everyday! I love it. What are your LO saying?


  • She says, daddy, ball, bubble, balloon, that, there, titi, tah dah, cat, bye, fan, what's that and occasionally momma. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but these are her favorites.
  • Yea, funny how momma is occasional! My son says it very infrequently and actually calls me my name more often! He mimics everything. I have recently become "boppy" or "baba" cuz its easier. Oh yea B says ta dah too! How fun! @mijita
  • edited November 2012
    Malia was born 8/25/11, she says:
    DaDa, kitty, dog, duck, book, teeth, shoe, sock, whats that or what is that, ear, belly (tries belly button), ewwww, nasty, bath, eat, boobah, awe man, pee pee, baaaabe, beep beep, ruff ruff, dance, uh-uh for ut oh, momma (like twice, lol), bus, bye, bye bye, hi, cheeese, thirsty (For her sippy, my choice), no or stop, caca (lol).. there are probably a few more.
  • @caroline8_p awww that's awesome! B says ut oh and what's that too :) isn't it so fun?! I didn't know we had our babies at the same time last year. I'm pregnant again, due in may!
  • @lilpeapod913... off topic of words lol but my daughter was born August 25 and I'm due May 12... what's your due date this time around?! Its like were double belly buddies lol :)
  • Lol! That's awesome! I'm due May 19th but possibly moving it to May 12 based on my ultrasound measuring a week ahead. How have you been feeling? @coltensmamma
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