taking steps...

edited November 2012 in Ages & Stages
Omg, he was hanging onto the couch and then grabbed his toy and started to use it to take steps...only 7 months old. Oh boy this means he will prob walk by himself soon...I'm in trouble lol image


  • Aww that's awesome !
  • That's awesome one smart little boy, very advanced for his age. I heard my husband started to walk at that age now I'm praying my daughter takes after him on that she's already starting to get to heavy to hold. Congratulations to Logan. Hope I got his name right.
  • Malia cruised furniture at 7 months, started free self walking at 10 months.
  • @Mrz_Jackson thx, he def tries, I think mainly bc he sees his brother and sister running around. @Mylove2 thx, Yeh he is prob gonna skip crawling he does the army crawl and gets on his knees but then seems to know its faster with the army crawl. I'm excited bc my other two were alot older...my daughter was 18 months and other son 15 months before they walked.
    @caroline8_p oh wow, that's awesome! Like I mentioned above my other two were late walkers, so for me this is weird lol. They had the strength but as soon as you'd let go of their hand they'd fall down on their bottom.
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