xrayed before finding out i was pregnant - worried sick.

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Help. After trying for a few months I found out I was pregnant today. I am worried sick as I had a bad car accident a few weeks ago (week 3) and had to be xrayed from neck to pelvis. I did yell the hospital I may be pregnant but they did a blood test and told me 100% that I wasn't. On this basis I had a further neck xray and facet joint injections in week 4. I am petrified I have harmed my baby and am extremely angry with the hospital. Does anyone know what I should do?


  • Have you had an ultrasound yet?
  • Talk to your OB. They will be able yo determine if anything happened. Implantation may not have occurred with the 1st xrays. Don't stress until there's something to stress about. :)>-
  • I had dental work when I was 3wks or so and didn't know. I told my ob and he said since it was so early it'll be ok. But to be sure talk to your doc about it.
  • Only just did a test today. My period was 6 days late, and even though the hospital said I wasn't, well I just wondered ... so no ultrasound yet. Biggest worry is they xrayed my pelvis, but I only conceived 6 days earlier. I'm also worried bout neck xray and Steroid injections in week 4! O worry worry lol. See, I'm 39 next month, and we thought we had little chance because of my age. It could be my last chance. Thanks so much all. Xx
  • I say everything is fine. But whenever you do have a ultrasound, and see for sure your baby is okay, it will ease a lot of your stressing.
  • It hasnt sunk in. Months of disappointment ... yet this month I was told I wasn't before having to wait for my period. Not telling daddy till I do ten more tests tomorrow. Would love some nice ideas of how to tell him. He will be so shocked as he was with me when the doc said I wasn't! He thinks I missed my period because of the stress of the accident.
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