just wanted to say...

edited November 2012 in Just for Fun
I'm sitting here holding my sleeping 7 month old..I love this little guy. I love my babies...now that I'm sahm I have so .much time to enjoy them...before it was rush, rush, rush...just wanted to say that. They complete my life:)


  • Ugh but I would love to be sleeping right now
  • Okay he finally fell back asleep after 2.5 hours poor lo has a head cold. It hurts my heart to watch him struggle with a stuffy nose.
    I never thought I would enjoy staying home and being a mom, but apparently I had the built in mom button. Lol Thats what my mom calls it. This little man is my life and I would do anything for him. I could never understand movies where people were willing sacrifice the world for their kids, I do now and would do it in a heart beat.
  • Yeah when our babies are sick we can't do much else...
  • My oldest is sick, the 7 month old is stuffy. My 2 yr old I swear he builds his immune system by licking everything bc we've all been sick twice already since Sept and he was fine both times lol. @MyLove2 @char
  • edited November 2012
    @sehra4177 I used to be that way ( minus the licking)but we were double exposed. We had a small cold that was going away and my sister brought her kid over with a fever and throwing up. I was visiting my mom so I couldn't even tell her to leave. You would think she would have sone respect considering her son is 2 and mine is one. That year makes such a big difference but she is the kind of person my mom would say didn't cone with the mom button.
  • @char gotcha, Yeh that's two of my sisters...they are only all about their kids when it works in their favor...my nephew has cystic fibrosis and she uses that as an excuse. But then other times it seems she completely forgets about it. Idk I guess some people don't have it.
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