a sign of labor approaching?

edited November 2012 in Third Trimester
As of yesterday I all of a sudden felt nauseous and I also have been sweating too out of nowhere I don't have a cold or nothing but I was wondering does this mean ill be going into labor soon .. I can't really tell if I'm having any contractions because I have no clue what they feel like at all but this sudden onset of nausea has me freaked out


  • It could be. Im not sure. I do know that just before you go into labor some people have started feeling sick. Also a lot of people get hot flashes at the end of pregnancy. As far as contractions go. Everyone is different. They feel like your tummy is getting really tight and last a few seconds. The closer you get to delivery the more uncomfortable you get. And maybe even down right painful. I hope that helps.
  • That does help I'm just getting real scared at this point but I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow so ill tell him everything that's been going on but this nauseous thing is really getting to me I don't like this feeling
  • Ya, thats a crapy part. Lol. I hope it happens soon. How many weeks are you?
  • Oh you'll be in pain hun you will know when it's time... Don't worry do you know if you dialated or not???
  • I am 37 weeks and some change .. Will be 38 on Friday @angel26

    Nope my dr didn't check me on Friday so I think he will check me tomorrow .. I hope I'm dilated I've been taking evening primrose ... I'm in pain but it mostly comes from my pubis bone so I don't pay attention to that but sometimes my tummy hurts but I think it's just her making swift movements @mylove2
  • im.38weeks and iv been feeling the same! i never went into labour with my first son so i dont know what to expect! the last two days iv felt light headed and iv been all hot and sweaty to the extent where i feel like im going to pass out! iv also been feeling really sick! as stupid as it sounds even more so if i lie down on my roght side?!
  • I never went into labor with my son either so all this is new to me as well .. I've been light headed as well so I'm glad I'm not the only one so maybe labor is approaching for both of us when is your actual due date? Mines is the 30th @denois
  • mine is the 27th nov so two weeks today! it seriously cant come quick enough now!!
  • I felt like that with mine the last week or so, so I think you are close!
  • Ive felt nauseous here and there sometimes its a growth spurt. I am 2days overdue fml and nothing but they did change my due date from dec1 to nov13 so who know i am 3 1/2 cm
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