@luvmy5 Btw I use text speak bc I type on a phone I do not sit around a computer all day. Oh did u know their is serious talk of adding text talk to college curriculum. Maybe u should not look down on it as I am sure it will evolve into a whole legal language in another 10 yrs. yep ur kids will speak text. I told her those things bc she called me a rude bitch and said I was to old to be having babies. There I spelled it out for u bc you could not read between the lines for urself. Now she knows what you can do if you hold off on having kids, right? Well guess u do 2 now..
@char Again, coming to me with some respect would be the mature thing to do. I never said I was financially set at 16, rather I have never required any sort of assistance and we are now financially set and have been for many years. Granted, being a teen mom is not ideal and I would never encourage nor praise someone for getting pregnant so young, but saying anyone who is under 23-25 that gets pregnant they are not intelligent enough. I owned my house at 17, had 2 cars paid off, no debt, etc. By saying anyone younger than that shouldn't be a parent or implying they aren't capable of being a good parent at that age shows ignorance. I have seen many 25+ year olds who should never procreate and I have seen 16-25 year old mothers do an outstanding job. It all depends on the person. Ideally, waiting is what should happen, but realistically teen pregnancy happens all the time. Also, keep in mind there are many men and woman who work and still require assistance a.k.a. 'your tax dollars'. Don't forget there are essentially no jobs, so don't assume you can just go out and get a job so easily. Right now you depend on your husband. You don't work, he makes the money and until you have an official money paying job, you depend on him. So please stop trying to belittle others while making yourself seem high and mighty. This is supposed to be a place of support, not attack.
Just because text speak could possibly become a new language doesn't mean I need to embrace it. I will not contribute to butchering the English language. I majored in English and I respect it. I make sure to use proper spelling, grammar, usage, homophones. So, you decide to stoop to her level by acting like she was back to her?
@luvmy5 Just incase u missed it the age thing was not addressed to u. Therefore if u didn't like it tough sh** It was not meant for you. I will give you as much respect as u deserve, and to make it clear that is none bc of your comments.
Go back read ur comments we are financially set. U never said oh I am 30 now.
@brookiesbaby No offense taken. I got married at 16. We saved money all during my pregnancy and our first year of marriage. When it came down to buying it we got a great deal, then had to wait the 4 months to have it built so even more money was saved to put down on it. We had good credit so our interest rate was super low. We eventually got rid of that house because my grandmother was very ill and she lived with my parents which was an hour away. I moved back home to take care of her since both my parents worked. After she passed away we moved out and went our separate ways. We split up. This is my second marriage. Now we own my parents house, which happens to be the one I grew up in.
@JuliansMommy What was the thumbs up for? I was just defending those whom deserve it :-)
@char I have been respectful towards you. Even after you got rude towards me and now even cussing to me (no, the ** doesn't make it any better) my name is luvmy5, so I am sure it is obvious I have 5 children. I also said when I had my oldest, so I am clearly older than 16. Also, does age matter? You're essentially saying if someone is under a certain age you won't treat them with respect. I came to you respectfully until you got rude with me. No reason to act superior and holier than thou. I get along with people of all ages, so if you have a problem with me, it is all on you because anyone here can tell you I don't have trouble with any of them.
@luvmy5 Most creditors won't lend credit until 18...sounds like you guys did alright, but how were you able to establish it so young? (Also just curious! :-) )
@Ourlittlenugget I forgot to add my husband at the time was over the age of 18. I had my name on his cards and bank account before we bought after we got married and he had good credit, so that is how.
@jules I agree my aunt and uncle dated for 3 months and got married they are still together today and both are in their 60's they got married at 17 & 18 years old
OMG! I was going to add my feelings about having had a baby at 18 and the difference in having my 2nd at 35. But the RUDENESS going on on this thread is unreal! I think that like @luvmy5 I had my 1st too young to in any way be prepared. But like her, I buckled down, saved my money, and made something of myself. My hats off to you dear. Being a teen parent is not something I would ever encourage anyone to do, but I would also not condemn them either. If I meet a young lady who is actively trying to conceive as an unwed, unemployed, uneducated teen, I would sit her down and have a long conversation about how that's not a great idea. The rude and disrespectful comments that have been flying show real immaturity.
Go back read ur comments we are financially set. U never said oh I am 30 now.
@JuliansMommy What was the thumbs up for? I was just defending those whom deserve it :-)