squats but have spd

edited November 2012 in Labor
So I wanna try to do some squats but I have spd issues so how should I attempt squats...I'm afraid I won't be able to get back up lmao!! And everyone keeps saying I'm huge .. And I've noticed I am way bigger than I was when carrying my son so I don't wanna tip over while squatting lol and how many squats should I do daily or for how long?


  • Well just put two chairs on each side of you that way you can kinda hold on for support. And you don't need to do a lot maybe 3 or 4 sets of 12 or 15. that's the normal like if you're doing a leg day.
  • Okay so I won't tip over lol how far should I squat though .. Far enough where I can stand up easily?
  • im the same!.im not due for another 12days but had enough now! i have spd and was asked today if im havin twins by a complete stranger because i am so big!! i havent had sex since i found out i was pregnant so that ones out! but squats and pineapple, curry and anythin else anyone suggests i will try!!
  • I keep forgetting to pick up pineapples and I've been to the store twice today !! I made me some queso dip and its spicy and that hasn't worked lol
  • I had spd and squatted down to let the dog in the backyard and my water broke everywhere lol it only took one for me and it was unintentional lol
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