hit by a car...

Yesterday I was leaving my house to go pick up my daughter at school. We live on a two lane one way which is a 25 mph. I always put the kids in the car from the sidewalk. Even if they have to hop over the other car seat to get there. So my son got in I went around to buckle him in from the driver side passenger door behind the driver seat. I am sooo paranoid about being hit so I NEVER have the door all the way open and I also lean into the car. So this lady came out of nowhere and all I remember is shooting pain in my arm and a crazy loud bang. My two yr old started screaming bloody murder...I thought my door fell off...it was still there but on the ground was her mirror. This lady hit me at over the speed limit in a school zone then hit my door to the point where its bent. Then didn't stop at first...I had to stand in the st screaming. She finally stopped and walked up to me...her excuse was she got bad news that day and was distracted...really?! Distracted enough to hit someone?? If she was 2 inches closer it would have been a whole lot worse or had I walked out a min later she would have got more than my arm. Even if I wasn't there she was close enough that she still woulda taken my mirror off. I have a feeling she was on her phone not paying attention.Mind you our st is wide and when you park a car can come down even if your door is wide open. My point is most people give courtesy of changing lanes when they see someone getting out of their car even more when you see a person getting a child in or out. I know when I drive I am so aware of that. This lady also had an infant in her car...which she had to mention slept thru it...whatever! I went to the er its luckily just bruised but hurts like a mofo! I am on vicodin which makes me feel icky. I'm mainly angry bc it could've been one of my boys:'( if your that distracted stay home!


  • OMG!! I'm you're okay...but she could've killed you!
  • @Wilsomom I know I'm so shaken up still...I really just can't believe it...I spent almost all night last night at the er. It's just so scary, I was paranoid about getting hit before but npw forget it!
  • Omg did you call the police¿!
  • Did you call the police?!? Thank goodness you and your kids are ok. Were there any other witnesses?
  • Oh my goodness. Im glad everyones ok!
  • @Graysonsmommy yes I did...they got all my info. They didn't come out bc no ambulance was needed...I ended up going to the er bc my arm didn't hurt right away...I think bc I was so shaken up.
    @Frantastic yes, I'm glad we made it thru too...I'm just so grateful it wasn't worse. No witnesses but a traffic camera at the end of my st.
    @sands3 thx, me too...my fiancee rushed home from work bc I wasn't gonna go to the er but he made me. Glad I did...
  • Make sure you file a claim w her ins company. I work in claims and I see this type of stuff everyday it frusterates me that ppl can be so careless. Yesterday I had a claim where our insd was hit while walking home. The woman driving is 94yrs old! Clearly she should not be driving. Hope u feel better.
  • @JuliansMommy ok thx, even if I file with mine? This happened with my fiancee a guy hit our car totally the guys fault and our insurance went after him...well this guy didn't have insurance at all...(my fiancee was knocked unconcious so he couldn't get the guys info, come to find out he didn't have any)
  • You should always file with their company first to avoid raising ur rates. Someone hit my car and our lady said to contact their insurance first and get a copy of ur police report. Did u take pictures of her car?
  • @char no I had the boys and she was all the way down the st. She gave her info and took off.. even left her mirror in pieces in the st:( I was also in shock and really forgot alot of stuff. My rates didn't go up with the last one bc they knew it wasn't our fault so my insurance's lawyer did all the contacting.
  • Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry :( hope your arm feels better soon. And everything works out.
  • Omg that's horrible...if u filed one with your company they'll file a claim w her insurance.
  • Are you kidding me!? The cops didn't come because you didn't need an ambulance? Id be sueing her and the cops that is messed up! They come out for a freaking fender bender to give someone a ticket but this bitch hits you and they don't come out? What if she was drunk or something. Id take that shit to court. Glad you are ok!
  • @mallory27 Cops are not required to show up to traffic accidents especially ones with minimal damage. In ohio under 500 they won't file a report even if they are bored enough to come out.

    The last time was it under liked 750.00 in damage? If so thats y ur rates didn't go up at least thats how it was with me and state farm.
  • @jules thx me too...I'm hoping she doesn't lie to her company. Bc I was hit not me but the car about 6 yrs ago and the kids were all high you could tell but again the cops don't come in pa like @char mentioned so they ended up lying and saying that I flew up behind them etc. Their company still paid but it was such a back and forth hassle:(
    @Mallory27 its kinda the same here like @char said...the cop at least this time was nice, other times they are so rude like they don't want to be bothered. It's kinda ridiculous...bc I wa in shock I didn't really feel the pain til about a half hr later and not that I needed an ambulance but I would've or could've used help bc I was so out of it I should have gotten more info and also they could have seen if she was drunk etc. I had no witnesses so it would have been nice to have someone else see the damages etc.
  • Omg! That is horrible!! Hope your arm feels better and glad your boys are safe. People scare me when they drive, I am more aware now that we have a kid then before.
  • There's really no way she can lie about what happened but just in case do you did you get the name & number to any witnesses that youcan provide to your ins? As long as you weren't at fault for the accident your rates will not go up.
  • @trixiesmom8 thx, its sore but I'm glad I'm still here.
    @JuliansMommy I just got a call and my rep has been in contact with the lady and said that they will be taking liability for it all damages and everything, medical bills etc. So I'm glad:)
  • I'm glad your ok. And you worked out the liability. What a lady what a lady..... Trying to be nice. I can't believe she didn't see you gggrrrr!
  • I'm sure it will all work out :) you didn't do anything wrong and they know when you're telling the truth and she doesn't really have much explanation ya know for her car.
  • @firsttimemom lol, I know I really think she was doing something on her phone:'(
    @jules I know I just have been in an accident before where it wasn't my fault, the kids were high and apologizing saying it was their fault, then I get the call that they turned around saying it wasn't their fault.
  • Maybe if you would have told the cops that you thought you were hurt and that your kids were still in the car? Idk, that's weird. Here in Houston, the cops come out for anything and everything. One time i lost my cell phone in my car so i tried calling it into the phone company and they made me get the police report. When i called, they had a cop come out to get all my info for the report. Needless to say that i ended up finding my cell phone lol.
  • @perly wow really?! Up here they don't. I'm not sure why. I've never had them actually come out for an accident. The only time was when my fiancee totalled my car, and was knocked unconcious
  • Yeah that's weird.
  • Oh, man... I would have called the police to take care of the report. I actually think people should always do that just to be safe.
  • @char That sucks thats a pretty crappy rule. I mean I get the whole thing about if the car damage isn't to bad and what not that the people involved can deal with it them self with out people getting tickets if the damage isn't bad but it wasn't just a car that was hit it was a person that is what makes me mad (yes it makes me mad for you lol) Even if she wasn't like seriously hurt she still ended up in the hospital because of it and that lady got away with it scott free.
  • Im so flad you n your boys r fine!!!
  • @SalasMommy thank you:) same here if anything happened to my kids she wouldn't have walked away...she would've needed an ambulance...lol.
  • @Mallory27 There are times when they don't respond to accidents at all. Huge snow storms they stop responding. Believe it or not its not really there job. When I took my ccw a retired sheriff taught the class he told us the "protect and serve" is public affairs. They basically do that so people will vote in their favor.
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