1 year olds

edited November 2012 in Ages & Stages
who has taking there babies to the dentist and wat did they do to ur baby


  • I started my daughter at 2, bc that's when my dentist starts taking children. They do have kids dentists around but when I called most were so booked so I just took her to my dentist. My son I haven't gotten him there yet he is 2.5 yrs old...but that's only bc we were waiting for my fiancees insurance to get the kids on his bc I got laid off. So I guess it depends, the dentist says some kids won't sit at 2...my daughter loved the dentist, my son I'm not sure he will sit. But they only do what they can, basically check the teeth...its really to get them used to it. They told me if they don't sit they won't push it...so you could try it.
  • @sehra4177 OK cool to know I dnt think my son will let the dentist get close to him he berly lets me clean he's mouth lol
  • Just make a habit of brushing...I do that with my son so he is getting used to it. Show him how to do it make sure he does it...so when you go to the dentist he will be used to it:)
  • edited November 2012
    My LO's ped recommended I take her at her 1 year check up; Lily had 8 teeth, with two molars cutting through. They cleaned and polished her teeth, assessed the health of them and provided education and expected outcomes. For example, Lily has a very pronounced upper frenulum, which is causing a gap. They can be hereditary, but I, nor my immediate family have them, nor natural gaps. The dentist said most correct themselves by 18 months and if they don't we have the option of clipping it. Ouch! He also said it is common that babies with pronounced frenulums often sever it in a fall and bleed very bad. He said it looks worse than what it really is, with the amount of blood that will stem from it. I'm thankful to have this info, as I'd probably freak out big time if it happened and wasn't aware. Can you imagine?
  • I'll be taking ny son once when he's 2.
  • Makenzie went at 6 months (due to having chemo) she had 2 teeth and all they did was look at them and feel them and check out her gums. Took like 5 minutes. She goes back in January. She will be 1 and 2 months and she has 8 teeth and a molar comming in.
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