Makenzie's 1st birthday

edited November 2012 in November 2012
So I am trying to get an rsvp list together and I asked a girl who said maybe so I could get a count for food since its in a week and i want to order it. She asked if she could bring her best friends boyfriend... She lives an hour away now and she is driving him someone that day and they are going to be going through my town so she thought they would come and he would be with.. I said maybe you can stop by on your way back? I don't want people I don't know at my childs 1st birthday. Is that weird? She said "oh..." and won't respond to me now. Was that rude to say to her? There are already like 30+ people that rsvped and I am paying for all of it with my moms help and I think it would be rude to my mom who is helping pay to have said yes to peopel I don't know comming to eat food and what not. Plus its special to me and I want to celebrate with people I know and love that I know love Makenzie.


  • U were NOT in the wrong here. U did the right thing. If she has a problem w that then that's all on her. Enjoy ur baby girls bday and don't stress about it. ;) happy one yr to ur baby girl. I've kept up w ur story and u have been thru a lot w ur baby girl. It's a day to celebrate her.
  • Thank you! If it were HER boyfriend I would consider it but its her friends boyfriend so weird and like he wants to come to some kids birthday who he doesn't even know..
  • What the heck is she doing with her best friend's boyfriend is what I wanna know!! Lol
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