Whole Milk :(

So we were in the week process of switching from formula to whole milk, (6 oz formula 1 oz whole milk the first day then she second was 5 oz of formula 2 oz whole milk and so on.) She was doing fine and loved it. But now I'm having a problem she is switched all the way to whole milk as of yesterday and yesterday morning she pooped a cream color (exact color of buttpaste and had an awful smell and was cranky all day and farting which smells awful and is hard and sounds thick if you know what i mean. I'm thinking she's getting cramps i know milk can be hard on their little tummys. What should i do?? Keep with the whole milk and let it get better or switch to lactaid or almond milk or something else? Help. @mijita hopefully you'll know since your a nutritionest.


  • My lo had a similar issue with cows milk. Whole milk she'd puke but 2% she was ok keeping down and she liked it. But the she got constipated so bad she couldn't poop at all. We switched back to infant formula. Then we tried toddler formula and she got cream colored explosive diarrhea and crampy gas pains. So were back to infant formula which the dr hasn't said anything. She's 13months now.
  • their bodies do need to her use to the milk. Give it a couple more days is what I would do. Or like she said 2%.
  • edited November 2012
    How much milk are you giving her/day? How often are you allowing milk? Stool changes can occur with change of diet and gastrointestinal acclimation. I would worry if her stools become colorless (white), as that is an indication of liver function and bile excretion. Bile is what gives our stools color and bile excretion increases with high amounts of fat.

    Whole milk is not fed in the same manner as infant formula. You want to aim for 16 oz/day, not exceeding 24. The bulk of nutrition should come from table foods now. Milk provides all the essential amino acids (protein), calcium, fat, vit. D and some electrolytes. Too much can cause anemia and other problems in toddlers.

    Treat milk as a treat now. If she is used to 4 bottles/sippy cups/day then make them no more than 6 oz each. For now I would slow down for the next few days and allow her GI to adjust. If you notice her stools get worse (lack of any color, clay), then I would suggest contacting her physician. I don't suspect a milk allergy as she's done fine with a milk-based formula. If you notice severe discomfit that continues she may be intolerant.

    If all else fails, you can continue substituting a little formula to allow her gut to mature and catch up, although I suspect you may be giving her too much at once. :)
  • @steph_due_101611 oh no :( sounds horrible i hope you get some answers soon!!

    @Leviluv8 thank you for your input.

    @mijita oh wow i didn't know that ! She drinks around 5 or even 6 bottles 6-8 oz bottles a day :'( i feel horrible now, i honestly didn't know you can't give too much. So what do you recommend me to do keep giving her the milk (in moderation)?
  • Yes, keep giving her the milk. Her little body is being bombarded with the milk, so aim for no more than 24 oz/day. You know when her most important bottles are, so keep those and try weaning the others and replacing with a meal. Don't feel bad, as her physician should have specified milk limits. This was an oversight on their part, an effect of ”drive through” service.
  • @mijita ah you have no idea how thankful iam for your help (you guys too stephdue101611 & leviluv) her doctor is too busy teaching student doctors............. i really wish she would've told me. It would've saved my baby from a tummy ache. Now I'm mad. All i can do right now is fix it. Thank you again for all your help!
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