i want to give up now!!!!!

edited November 2012 in Just for Fun
I dnt want to breastfeed any more. my son well be 13 months. my goal was when he turn one, but he doesn't like milk. he wont drike breast milk Fr he's sippy cup so I can't half it. I feel he has control over me. idk what to do any more I haven't tryed lately cause I feel there's no point he wont drike it he'll taste it then not want it. ugh any suggestions


  • Have you tried almond milk or goat's milk?? Mix your bm with that and see if he likes it. Also my friend's lo hated bm in a sippy until just recently. It took them about 6 weeks for her to finally drink it from sippy even though she drinks all kinds of things from a sippy.
  • Maybe get someone to give it to him when you're not around. That's what we had to do to get her to take a bottle.
  • My son hates whole milk so.i give him vanilla almond milk. He was the same drank water and juice from the sippy and as soon as i putilk he would throw it away. I also started with not giving him boob except for night then ot was every other night and so on till i didnt offer any more. My son was frustrated at first but now he is perfectly comtent with just his almond milk. Also you can try to put something on the breast tjay he wouldnt like the.taste of and he womt go for it. This is whaty mother in law did with her 5 kids
  • I am in the same boat! My lo is 12 months and just recently has refused taking a bottle..we were trying to switch her to soy milk, because she can't stomach cows milk and now she won't even drink bm from a bottle or sippy and its even when I'm not around! Today makes day 5 of refusing it & we just don't know what to do...if I find a solution I will let you know & vise versa would be appreciated:-)
  • @mrs4c no haven't tryed those well do so though ty so there is hope LOL

    @natashalynn I dnt go know were just stay home so hell know y take that when I know mommy is here lol ty

    @MerandaGarcia ill try sew how it well turn out ty

    @trixiesmom8 OK sure well ty
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