am i crazy???

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
So when i pass my baby....i do flush it...i want to save it put it in a box by my daughters.grave. i wanna take a picture of it. And forever. Am i crazy? Have i gone mad? I dont wanna flush my baby like.its a fish!!!!!


  • I would do the exact same thing I couldn't imagine flushing it , so sorry for you loss .
  • I dont blame you for feeling that way. Your not crazy. I wouldnt feel right just flushing it either. I hope you can heal with this.
  • I don't think you're crazy. If doing it is something you need to do, than by all means, I think you should do it. Bury, photograph, name. Whatever helps you find peace. Thinking about you.
  • I think I would do the same thing if I was you. I agree with everyone. You should do whatever you feel is right. And I hope your doing alright.
  • You are absolutely not crazy!!! You are a grieving mother! Honey, if you are interested there is a group on facebook called heartwood for mamas that have lost babies. It's a good place to go for support or when you are having bad days and no one else understands. If you are interested my name on facebook is Sarah Michelle Cox. Lots of love hugs and prayers for you!
  • You are not crazy sweetie! I had a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. I was given the option of a dnc and took it, I couldn't cope with going through it at home and flushing it. They also take the baby's remains to the local cemetary where theye place them in the baby garden. They gave me a scan picture of the baby, I didn't look at it at the time but have since and we keep it safe with a poem somebody once posted here. I have visited the cemetery once, Stu doesn't like going but I wouldn't rule out another visit. Again hun, I'm so very sorry x
  • Your not crazy at all.
  • Your not crazy. So sorry again for your loss
  • Ur not crazy & sorry for ur loss.
  • No, I felt the same way! I had a dream about it & everything. If you read my birth story it tells about what happened. It's so long though it's in 2 posts. I hope you get to see your wee little was healing for me. <3
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