While pregnant .....

How to make more milk? My production has seemed to slow down. Hmmm


  • Mine hasn't seemed to change any. I'm 9wks pregnant and still nursing my 17 month old. He only nurses 3-4 times a day though.
  • Mine seems to have dropped a bit, my baby's 7 months old. Not official how far along I am yet. According to my calendar almost 12 weeks.
  • I would just up my water intake and try to pump between to help raise your milk production.
  • Oh I don't pump, never have, I can't get a pump to work.
  • Hmmm, I would just suggest water and hanging in there. Maybe your body is just going through a rough patch. :)
  • I conceived when my son was 7 months. We kept nursing for a couple months, but my former over supply dwindled quickly and reverted back to colostrum for the new baby. He wasn't crazy about it and started weaning so I switched to our frozen stash. The hormones from the placenta make this happen for some women. :-(
  • @ourlittlenugget I don't have a stash :( Should I build one now? How long did it take for yours to turn to colostrum?

    Sorry for so many ?'s your the first to answer my ?'s. I know there are several people on here who have been prego and breastfeeding.
    Thank you so much! :)
  • It's OK! :-) If you're already 12 weeks and still nursing you might be OK. By 8 weeks mine was colostrum again. I tasted it and it was salty rather than the sweet breastmilk. When I pumped only a little came out and it was a little more yellow than white, so I knew what it was. My baby preferred sweet, so I switched to the stash because we had so much. If your baby doesn't mind it, there's no reason you can't continue. You can try supplementing with a little vanilla almond milk if she seems hungry. Mine gets almond milk right now, but I plan to pump for him after the baby is born. (I'm keeping a few 100 ounces of breastmilk in case my milk doesn't come in for some reason. I want to make sure I can start baby girl off with mama's milk. Paranoid, over-prepared mama here...;-) )
  • Haha there is no such thing as having too much boob milk on standby!
  • So true, maybe I will try to make a stash just in case :)
  • It's true! I had 2000 ounces or so ... bought a deep freeze for it so I could keep it a year and signed up as a milk donor too! :-)
  • Oh wow I wish I would have kept a stash when I had extra milk. She wouldn't eat it out of anything but me so I figured why bother. Now she drinks out of a sippy cup :)
  • power aid works for me! However I'm not preg but it works
  • Ok thanks for the tip :)
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