marsuplization of bartholin cyst- update please help

Hello ladies im scheduled monday for this surgery as I have been dealing with a bartholin cyst about the size of a golf ball. Im curious about recovery and if this procedure was effective. Anyone have any personal experiences with this or advice?

Update at bottom. PLEASE HELP. Anyone ever hear of this or experience this first hand. Its freaking me out!!


  • Is that like a clogged salivary duct? I think I learned about this in school but I've never seen one in real life. Keep me posted and I hope your recovery is swift.
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  • @Frantastic its a clogged bartholin gland. Which is on the right side of my vaginal opening. Thank you I will.
    @HomeBirthAdvocate thank you. Yes its painful and getring bigger. I had it first drained in 2009 and it came back a month later. I know the first time it was infected and was put on antibiotics. But the dr hasnt said anything about it possible being infected again. Im just worried about revovery as I have a 14 month old and no help after surgery besides the day of it. Im just worried about pain and how mobile I will be.
  • How interesting, there's a duct in your mouth called bartholins duct. But good luck with your surgery. I had a cyst removed from my groin a few years ago and it took a while to fully heal.
  • I had one, not technically the bartholins gland because mine was next to my urethra. It swelled up out of no where after my daughter was born and I had it removed at about 9 weeks pp. Recovery wasn't bad, just watch for scar tissue, take the meds, and sitz baths.
  • @misskristin thank you so much. I will. Did you have much scar tissue?
  • Luckily no. I had a scar previously from the birth of my son. I tore up instead of down and they were in a hurry to stitch me up because I was bleeding a lot. Needless to say, it wasn't a pretty seam and it scared. When they removed the gland, they went with the scar and basically broke it up and/or removed the tissue.
  • edited December 2012
    I has surgery last monday and it went well at first. About five days after surgery the pain and swelling got worsw and I felt tissue bulging out of the vaginal opening. I call the providers office who did the procedure and the on call dr said it sounded like a hematoma and advised me to go to the er. I did and they thought it was the same thing until they performed a contrast cat scan and said it was an infection and prescribed me antibiotics. Im worried since the tissue is still bulging and doesnt seem to be improving. Any advice or suggestions? Just seems weird that an infection in the incision can cause bulging tissue in the vaginal openening when the incision is on the right side about an inch in? Sorry if tmi
  • I would call that doc office back. And ask worry they think you should do now or if u possibly need to go back to the Er. I'm sorry and hope u get better soon.
  • @ jules thanks for responding. I called them and left a message to call me back for an appt to be seen. Im gonna call early am and demand to be seen cuz something isnt right and all of this happened after surgery. Never experienced anything like this before and never want to again lol :(
  • I'm sorry. It's just scary in general to have an infection after surgery I hope it's nothing to serious. And I hope your not in too much pain. Let me know what they say.
  • @ jules. Yes it is especially since its down there. Urg... I hope they can figure it out without me having to go back to the hospital or have another surgery. Its so hard with my son. He is 15 months and of course all over the place, and I have no help. The pain meds help with the pain its just so uncomfortable. I will when I get an update.
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