fighting to nurse

edited November 2012 in Breastfeeding
The last couple of days she has been fighting me to nurse, on top of that she has been refusing a bottle or any type of drink daddy gives her. We have an apt on tues, to rule out any sickness. She has been refusing a bottle for about a week..mind you, I haven't tried the last two days, cause I've been home. We were in the process of trying to switch her to soy and that is when she started refusing a bottle. She will be 13 months on the 8th, I am hoping to have her switched to milk soon, so I can be done bf, she only nurses 3x a day anyways, so I am ready to have my boobs back.


  • Is she teething? She might be refusing breast and bottle due to that...
  • She might also be feeling your resentment/frustration and is being defensive. Remember some children have psychological and physical withdraws, just like any person trying to make changes. Just because you are ready doesn't mean she is. Have some patience, as she may be resistant to this change.

    I realize how harsh my words sound, but please know I say it soft heartedly and with no judgment behind my words. I'm only speaking from experience. Good luck. :)
  • @lilbit01_209 she has a stuffy nose, but k don't think any teeth are coming. We all have a stuffy nose in the house tho, so its probly that, but she has never refused to nurse.
    @mijita oh I know, I'm not completely frustrated. I don't produce enough anymore so I want to make sure she is getting it some where else. We have been doing it nice and slowly. I was at least still going to nurse at night time until we get her to sleep on her own, cause right now she nurses to sleep. She has only started to fight me the last two days, I have been trying to switch her for almost 2 months now, but when we had trouble with cows milk, I stopped until her apt, when the doc recommended we try soy milk..and now we've been at it for a week with no bottles, granted she was only getting 4 every week, just once in the morning while I was at work, until last Fri she refused. Tomorrow will be when she gets a bottle so we shall see.
  • Sorry so long
  • My daughter is doing the same thing. She still wants to nurse all the time and she is 1 today. I am trying to wean her but it is a lot harder than my son was.
  • It's a random theory, and I could easily be wrong, but maybe she's refusing bottles because she's remembering the pain and vomiting she went through when you were attempting regular milk?
  • @jnlelrod good luck! Hope your lo isn't as stubborn as mine.
    @pineapple07 that crossed my mind, but we haven't tried milk in almost a month and she has taken bottles just fine after that, its just all within the last week she has stopped.
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  • @homebirthadvocate honestly I can't say that's what it was because she didn't have enough to even say she didn't like it. She was fighting me to drink that bottle and it only had 2oz of soy to 6oz of bm. She's tasted the other bottles, she's just refusing to drink them and I have no clue why. She hasn't fought me to nurse the last two days, she only did it for a couple days. So I am at a lose..hopefully when we go to the doc on Tuesday she will be able to give us a reason why. She is now refusing to drink her juice at breakfast time after her oatmeal. She has a nursing session, and then like 2 hours later she has some oatmeal and fruit and won't drink juice afterwards.
  • @lilbit01_209 @mijita @jnlelrod @pineapple07 @homebirthadvocate went to the doc yesterday she has a double ear infection and a sinus infection...gave her an antibiotic and said to come back in two weeks to make sure its all gone.
  • Oh that is for sure the reason! Poor baby! I hope she feels better soon! My daughter has been real whiny too since she was getting over a cold. She still wants to nurse several times a day. She screams like crazy so I just give in bc it drives me insane...Ughh! I'm still trying to slowly wean her. She turned 1 last week so I feel pretty done with it.
  • @jnlelrod oh I know! The same day we tried her on milk..happened to be the same day she started refusing bottles lol.
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