teething and not eating

edited November 2012 in Ages & Stages
My son is 13mo and definitely teething. The last few days he does not want to eat anything with texture. Normally he's a little chow hound and eats whatever daddy and I are eating. Now anything too clumpy gets spit out. He's also been super whiny and clingy. The only thing he ate at Thanksgiving was sweet potatoes and biscuits , I want him to eat but I don't want to only feed him what he wants to eat you know what I mean. My mom says when he gets hungry enough he'll eat but I don't want him to be hungry either. Any advice please?


  • He's also been kinda rashy too. I think it's because the weather is getting colder and his skin is getting dry but I've been moisturizing him twice a day now and it seems to be clearing up.
  • You should probably let him eat food that he will take. Its better that he eats something rather than nothing. Make sure he is drinking more fluids until he starts eating regularly. Other than that, i don't know what else you can do.
  • My daughter has been like that she is 17 months now and has 4 pushing threw I stuck to soft foods but I also gave her teething tablets before she ate I would leave snacks out just in case she got hungry she ate alot of fruit snacks cuz she could just chew on them
  • I had some stage 2 baby food still and he ate that but any kind of texture is a no go.
  • My daughter gets like that when she is teething. She doesn't eat certain things and tends to drink more formula and milk than anything else. She also seems to get diaper rash around that time. We just kind let her eat what she wants, as long as she is eating. She is 14mos.
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