Rsv, can someone help?

edited November 2012 in Babies Health
I need so advice or some experience. My daughter is 11 1/2 months old. Last monday or tues i took her to the dr and he said she has rsv. All he said to do was to watch her for if she ever has trouble breathing to take her to childrens hospital. He said to use a bulb sucker to try helping her but nothing is within reach of me doing that. She has had this nasty cough for about a week or a little longer. We havent taken her to children hospital cuz she hasnt really struggled to breath (make us tired watching her breath is how dr described it ). She still acts pretty normal and she drools alot, which are 2 other things he said to watch for. But, she coughs a lot. During the day she coughs quite a bit and sometime she throws up from coughing so much. At night, its much worse. She coughs so much she ends up throwing up (more than during the day). We have to go over to her and pick her up to try helping her. But that doesnt help a lot, she still coughs. I have tried using baby vicks on her chest, reg vicks on her feet, ive tried a humidifier, but nothing is helping her. She has also started having a runny nose. I dont know if i should take her up to childrens hospital to see if they can do anything or just take her back to dr on mon. Last week was all messed up with holiday or i would have taken her back last week. I just wish i could make her stop coughing. She cries whe/ she coughs so much. She is keeping me up everynight. Can anyone give me advice? Please. Im sorry its so long but my other 2 never had rsv.


  • I would take her to the hospital today!
  • @mommyof3girls even though she acts ok? Im just concerned with it turning into something worse. Would you miss work to take her or take her after work? Im scheduled to work from 930am to 6pm. Its 825 now.
  • I would be taking her to the hospital, your husband doesn't work right? Can he take her?
  • @proudmother1009 he would have to take all 3 kids to the hospital and wouldnt be able to focus on her.
  • Have ur husband take her. I have 3 kids and take em all w me everywhere. It's not ideal but better to b safe than sorry rsv kills babies every yr. the throwing up bad like that is to me the #1 reason of why.
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  • I would take her. Sounds like what my son had/has since last week but I took him in to the doctor two days in a row until they gave him antibiotics and he was MUCH better in a day.
  • She needs to go. Rsv is pretty serious thing and if she's throwing up that much she obviously needs to go. I would if it was my child.
  • Update?? Did u or hubby take her yet??
  • Id take her. Sounds like she might need a nebulizer
  • My second child got RSV at a year old. She got antibiotics, a nebulizer and did breathing treatments 3 times a day.
  • My Daugher had rsv at 2 months old and was hospitalized for 1 week After i had to call 911 she could hardly breathe. She had to have a nebulizer n they gave her breathing treatments all day maybe every couple hours. I went home and disinfected my entire house. I pulled her from the hospital and took her home and the next day she was completely better.
  • I called them and explained how she is doing and they said to try a breathing treatment if she has a major cough fit, we have a nebulizer. So far she just has been coughing, not as bad as at night. They said take her to dr in am and we will go from there.
  • The only time she seems to have any trouble breathing is if she starts coughing so much she can catch a breath.
  • edited November 2012
    I would take baby inn before baby gets worst regardless if she's doing OK for now I read all of the stories people comment u sound scary to me just saying hope ur baby gets better
  • What'd the dr say?? How is she doing??
  • I agree with @Roxy sounds pretty serious to me I don't ever chance stuff with Scarlett I'm careful with everything, which is probably why she's only been sick once the whole first year.
  • We took her to dr yesterday. He listened to her lungs and said they sound good. He is however concerned this will turn into a sinus infection so he gave her antibiotic to make sure it doesnt. He said if she not better by next week to bring her back in. A coworker gave me this stuff he promises will help with coughing. So im going to try it tonight because i was up a lot last night between both the younger kids.
    @0811 @jules @roxy @trixiesmom8 @mallory27 @excitedforoctober @proudmother1009 @thehumancrockpot
    @everyone else im on phone and its hard to tag everyone.
  • Well hope that works and she feels Better soon!
  • hope she's doing better
  • Hope she feels better soon. Beatrix is on antibiotic for her double ear infection and a sinus infection.
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