at what age did you put you toddler in a toddler bed??

edited November 2012 in Babies
iv been contemplating getting my sons a toddler bed. but i know once i do that im doomed! he currently shares a room with my 7 year old brother. and i feel like hes going to fall out of bed (even with the bumper up) - my son isnt the most corrdnated lol! and i dont think im going to be able to keep him on the bed..

hes 18 months by the way!! :-D


  • I did once my son kept on climbing out of his crib I think around 20 months
  • I was thinking the same but I might just buy my lo a twin bed and bumber for that they make the bumbers for it fairly big so they can't roll off my lil one tosses alot in her sleep she is 17m
  • I did when he turned 1. He has been fine with it. In fact I think he likes it more then when it was a crib
  • my son learnt to climb out of his cot at 11months so he was in a bed just before he turned 1! he took to it so well and even now doesnt get out of his bed at all hes nearly 18months
  • I'm due with number 2 when my son Will be 19 months so we will probably switch him around 17 months so he won't feel pushed out of his bed because of the newborn.
  • My daughter is 18 months and we are switching her to a toddler bed today. She will still be in our room for a few months till.we.move into a place of our own so ill be able to keep an eye on her.
  • Around 13-14 months. We needed her crib since we just had another baby. She took to it well. Althought she did fall off a bit at the beginning so we had to use a foam noodle like the ones used for swimming on either side of her bed and that helped until she learned to stay on the bed
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