3 hours sleep and prayers needed

edited November 2012 in Current Events
So last night, I got a call from one of my best friends, she tried fo break up with her bf, and he attacked her. I somehow managed to drive down and get her and her daughter out of the house without any further harm, and took her to a safe house away from him. Not mine cause he knows where I live. So I was up until four with her, as she called her parents to tell them what happened, (they live several provinces away) called a woman's emergency number, called the cops, and I was calling his parents since he took off to their house with her wallet, (all of her and her daughter's info, credit cards, 1000$ cash, debit card) now I'm up and off on my way to go see her, buy her underwear and some sweatpants until we can get her stuff back. Just looking for prayers for my friend and for myself as a I have to go and be a pillar of strength on three hours sleep.


  • What a great friend you are. I will pray for your friend and her daughter, that sounds awful! Try and get a little rest today x
  • Thanks @littlenat86 I'll try but I doubt it'll happen. We have to go shopping, to the lawyers, to try and get her car back, and try to get her wallet back. He's put her through such hell with verbal abuse and controlling behaviour, I'm just glad she found the courage to leave before anything else happened. And I hope she doesn't go back. That's my biggest fear right now.
  • I understand. My father emotionally, verbally and physically abused my mum. I thank God every day that she was strong enough to leave him eventually but domestic abuse stories really hit home with me. You being such a good friend will really help her, she needs to know she has support x
  • Im sorry that happened. Its really great she had you to come save her. I really hope she doesnt go back also. Thats always scary.
  • Thanks @littlena86 & @angel26 we managed to get back her wallet plus her passport which we didn't even know he had. So that's a big win. She's safe and well taken care of now, my parents have taken her and her daughter in for as long as needed. She's starting to feel guilty about leaving, mostly about keeping their kid from him for right now, I tried saying he brought this on himself and his adult actions have adult consequences. But I know she's feeling terribly. And I don't know what I can say or do to make her feel better. She says she knows she made the right choice, but still feels terrible.
    @littlenat86 I'm glad your mom had the strength. I'm getting such an eye opener on how hard it really is when trying to get away from someone like this, especially when kids are around.
  • I hope she can stay away. My mom was almost killed by her ex husband on more than 1 occation. She finally left him after 11 years. Tell her she is much safer now.
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