intramural fibroids... anyone with or know about them?

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
Hi.. this is my 2nd pregnancy. The first one I had a missed miscarriage and finally 2 years later I am pregnant again. We went for our first check up andthe doc sent me to get an ultrasound. We saw the baby and the heartbeat and it all looked ok until... they told me someone wanted to talk to me when I got dressed. Apparently I have a 7 cm intramural fibroid which is a tumor in my uterus next to the baby. My question is if any of you ladies have had one with a successful pregnancy? There is a chance of everything being ok but then I am high risk for miscarriage in the first and second trimester, low birth weight and early labor .. any input or experience would be wonderful to at least put my mind at ease... thank you!


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