16 weeks 5 days, 3 pregnancy hardly no movement?

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
So this is my third baby I am almost 17 weeks and haven't really felt movement is this normal? I have felt something but its rare and has not happened in about 3 days, with my second I really started feeling good movement at about 15 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks girls :)


  • Wit my second an third I didn't feel anythang till around 20 wks wit my first I felt at 16 wks
  • It's still pretty early, and every baby is different. I had an anterior placenta the first time and didn't feel him until 20 weeks. This one I felt at 12, but she's more quiet than her brother was and doesn't move as often.
  • Thanks girls @Mrz_Jackson @ourlittlenugget it just kinda freaked me out cause my second I had been feeling a lot by now :)
  • I know how u feel... this is my 7th & i have felt all of mine by 15-16 wks & my last one at 13... but im 16wks & 1day & still haven't felt anything... It freaks me out even more now cuz i have bern spotting with some bleeding since Oct 15th... ;( So u see why it would fresk me out... I heard heartbeat last Wed but since im spottin i feel like i would b content if i heard it every day...
  • I totally understand! I get worried when mine is quiet too! :-)
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