Oh no, poor thing! I can't think of anything other than trying to keep him hydrated like you said. That might be hard if he's throwing it all up, but every sip helps. Whatever he can tolerate...even 7 up if you have that, pedialyte or popsicles. I hope it passes quickly, it may just have to run its course.
@Wilsomom since it's late, we gave him a little watered down gatorade. After 10 mins he threw it up. He's asleep on a blanket on the dog bed now...I'm on the couch so I can watch him
Ooh lord! Been there, and I'm sure it'll resurface it's ugly head in my house again very soon.. Try keeping trash cans around for him to puke in.. Saves on cleaning. Also, Only let him sip on things that are room temperature. I've been told if it's cold, it can upset their stomachs. Water has always been the easiest thing for my girls to hold down after they've been throwing up. Remember that you really don't want them eating anything until they've not thrown up for 6 to 8 hours. When you do introduce solids back, do the brat diet (Bananas, rice/oatmeal, apples, tea/toast). Crackers are obviously good too! I would take it extremely slow with that. Basically, all you can do is let this run it's course, and try to make then comfortable while it lasts. Practice godly hygiene to make sure no one else gets it. And try to keep the sick one quarantined to their room. I know this may be hard depending on the age though.
Offer a tablespoon of liquid every 20 minutes. If he keeps it down for an hour, increase to 2 tablespoons every 20 minutes and so on. Make sure to disinfect as much as possible to avoid it being passes around. We always pass illness a few times here. I hope he feels better soon, you get some sleep and nobody else gets sick.
@luvmy5 thank you! He's doing much better this morning. He's drinking water and even ate a handful of Cheerios. I'm going to clean and disinfect the house all day! I had this stomach thing Sunday and I really hope my oldest doesn't get it. Hopefully Jack will take a nap soon. W had a long sleepless night
This is from my experience so idk about him being so young, but know food at all for 24-48 ( it was 48 for me but I lost 10 lbs in two days, it was bad) hours, crushed ice to keep his mouth wet. Maybe ginger ale to help his tummy but only sips.
@char oops. He's asleep now and I'm keeping an eye on him. When I had it Sunday, I was scared to eat Monday in fear of getting sick again. He tore up the Cheerios. I only gave him a few because I didn't want him to eat to much, to fast.
@natashalynn he's doing much better so far. It's going around my house so I'm spending the day washing sheets, blankets, towels.... Disinfecting his crib, all the boys toys and everything else.
my family went threw this first was my son then me then my hubby there was nothing we can do just let it past my poor lil Guy was throwing up I had the runs then hubby we all lasted only 24 hrs for some reason every since we had went to a baby shower / pizza party may b the foods they had idk what caused it but glad to here ur lil Guy is better
I'm glad he's feeling better. Good job on cleaning everything, you all star you. Haha I suck at doing that. But I only have one kid, so its not like she's passing it back and forth with a sibling. Unfortunately, were both sick now too. It's been a rough week in our house!!
Yea, The bug has been going around out here in the Tacoma Washington area for the past two weeks. With both of my daughters in grade school, we're trying extremely hard not to contract the virus. I REALLY hate vomit, and have a crazy phobia of it, so I seen to go through really extreme measures to try not to get it. I'm sure my girls are so tired of me stressing awesome hand washing for at least twenty slow seconds, not getting up in peoples faces right now, don't touch your face or mouth unless you have just washed your hands or use hand sanitizer, and to close your mouth if someone around/in the same room as you is vomiting. And also, no sharing food/drinks/candy/utensils/cups or plates. I'm praying that my insane preaching pays off this month. Lol @natashalynn I hope you and your daughter get better quickly. It sucks being sick with your little one.
Thanks @emmieken me too. And of course my boyfriend has it, which means major man cold. Lol I probably need to take a page out of your book and watch out for passing around germs!
Oh god yes! I know when my husband us really sick, he's a huge baby. But so am I.. So... Lol. When we all had the flu last February, we switched out with duties around the house and the kids. It would come in waves, and I still had zofran from my pregnancy, so we were definitely self medicating ourselves. I hate being sick. I would much much rather be sick with a cold than anything else though. I'll take a head cold any day.
Hmm, so you're saying I need to drug him to get rid of the man cold?! Lol jokes jokes yeah head cold is way better than say the flu. Although the flu doesn't last as long.