little boy killed at PA zoo

Who heard about it? It makes me so sad. When we go I hold my lo I won't stand her on the railing, I'm always afraid she is going to turn or lean and I'm going to not have a hold of her right and she will fall.

Here is the link if anyone hasn't heard and would like to read it. @sehra4177 I tagged you cause I know you live in PA...didn't know if you have heard more about it since you are local...kind of.


  • My parents were telling me about this a week ago. It's so sad!
  • edited November 2012
    @sands3 oh really? I just saw it online today. It really is, I would've felt so horrible if that was me! And I def can't imagine what is going through that mothers mind..ugh! So so sad!
  • My MIL was telling me about this a week or so ago. We travel a lot and if the city has a zoo, we go. Keegan is NEVER allowed near the rails. Too dangerous.
  • So sad! Where was the mom?!
  • @leviluv8 the mom was the one who held him up, so ultimately it was her fault he fell :(
  • This happened in Pittsburgh a few weeks ago. A terrible accident. So horrific. The family has asked for any donations to be made as a toy truck to a Christmas toy charity program.
  • @1stwoodsbaby oh I totally agree! Way to dangerous.
    @leviluv8 Yepp like @excitedforoctober said she was holding him:-(
    @alilboulding that's so sad. That is a nice charity donation tho.
    @roxy yes it is.
  • I'm from Pittsburgh and we go to that zoo all the time and would never think about putting my child on the railing. And if my son fell in you better believe I would be down in there to doing everything I can to help him. Not sure what they were thinking. Poor little guy.
  • They were supposed to close the zoo apparently it happens at that zoo to much. I feel sorry for the kid but the mother should have known better. For me I have a hard time feeling pity for people who do stupid crap like that. I am sure it was an accident but come on. If my so did that he had better jump in afterwards bc he that would be the only way he would have a shout at living.
  • I'm from Pittsburgh too. Since having Jordan, it's hard for me to hear about tragedies involving kids like this 1. As soon as I heard about it I cried on and off for a couple days. It's just so sad and heart wrenching and it was all over the news for for days. I have to say though, I would be over that fence in a heartbeat shielding my boy. Nothing would get in my way. I would fight bears. the Pittsburgh Zoo anymor anymore.
  • That really sucks. I bet the mother feels horrible. God bless her heart. Unfortunately, accidents happen everywhere and to anyone. It may sound a little harsh, but God has a plan for all of us and when our time comes... its time to go. Either way, i wish kids didn't have to have tragic deaths like this one.
  • I have a hard time reading that I'm sorry...there's no judgement here but if it were my daughter I would have been right in after her sheilding her with my body! I'd fight lions tigers & bears for her no matter the cost..that's what a mother does...I can't imagine the pain she's going through
  • Uhh, i can't imagine watching my child get mawled and not doing anything about it. I would have gone apeshit on some animals. She may need a psych eval
  • @scarlettesmama oh I know! I so would be in after my kid. They also said they didn't know what killed him, the fall or being mailed by the dogs, but still..I would be down there doing everything I could for my baby.
    @perly very true!
    @alilboulding I have family in Pittsburgh. Yea, anything involving kids I can't watch/read about with feeling sick to my stomach. All the scary movies with kids I just can't watch lol and I love scary movies!
    @char that is just too sad. You would think they would add more barriers or something.
    @pregojenn we go to the one here and I don't put her on them either. I did once but she was little and we weren't far from the ground and she wouldn't have fallen into the exhibit.
  • @kimberly4411 oh I know! She has got to be feeling guilty.
  • Oh wow I didn't hear about this...I am about four hours from Pittsburgh. It's ashame this stuff happens:( its so sad!
    I am always worried and after getting hit by that car two weeks ago I'm so much more paranoid bc I'm afraid it could happen again and my two yr old is afraid to get in the car now...everywhere we go he tells people about it. Life is so precious...cherish every moment:)
  • Omg this is sooo sad!
  • I work at a zoo and you wouldn't believe the number of parents I have had to ask to have them remove thier kids off of railing and ledges... It doesn't matter the height (or even if there are 'peep holes' for kids) parents will stil put them up there...
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