Benadryl for congestion?

So my bff's boyfriends stepsister is a pediatrician and she told her to give her 1yr old Benadryl for congestion bcuz she has a bad cold. My 1yr old is severely congested right now and hasn't been able to sleep for the past 2 nights and I was thinking of also giving him some but kinda scared since I had never been told by his doctor to give him that.

Have u guys heard of this? Or given your toddler/baby Benadryl?


  • My daughter just had a cold her doctor said there is nothing recommend for her age(she is 18 months). I think all doctors recommend different things, I would check with yours before giving it.
  • We have had to give it to my son since he was 11 months old for allergic reactions to antibiotics. It was a tiny dose (1/4 tsp). Just call a nurse at ur docs office
  • Yes. It is safe. For every pound they can take .05 mg. So multiply his weight with. 05
  • Benedryl will only mask the symptoms for a very short time frame and won't actually help with the problem. This is why the majority of physicians don't mention benedryl as a treatment option. It can cause excessive drowsiness or excitability in young children, thus increase their fussiness.

    I hope your LO feels better soon.
  • @mijita thank you :) funny that u mention the increased fussiness bcuz my bff's LO goes from being extremely drowsy to hyper then very very fussy and my LO who is not taking the Benadryl but is also sick is not in the least bit fussy. I think I will hold off on giving it to him.

    @luvmy5 @doodles @morgdeebee thanks ladies!
  • My baby had been sick alot and most of the time it makes her allergies flair up really bad and our doc told its fine to give benadryl to her.. Mine is never fussy when i give it to her i guess it depends on the baby/kid
  • You're welcome!

    @Angelmonkeymelody: I didn't say it will, but that it can. :)
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