baby ate tobacco...

edited November 2012 in Babies Health
So my husbands friends is home visiting from Germany and well one of them dropped their package of tobacco in Lillians toy box apparently because I just heard Lillian coughing and look over and her hands and face are covered on tobacco! I immediately rinse her mouth out and wash her hands and face off. I called poison control and they told me that babies can tolerate the amount equal to one cigarette and if she had more then that symtoms start to appear about 30 minutes after consumption and if she starts getting jittery I need to call 911. Ugh this sucks! Has anyone every had something like this happen? I feel like a terrible mom but seriously why would I look through her toy box when when I went to bed last night there were only toys in there!


  • Awe man I hacent been through this luckily, so I have no advise, just hoping everything turns out okay. And don't worry, you're not a bad mom. That was pretty irresponsible of Germany guy to not keep track of his stuff. Hugs to you!!
  • @natashalynn thanks! She is still acting fine I'm sure she didn't eat much but still! Ugh seriously what is wrong with people! You know there's a baby living here keep track of your stuff!
  • I dont know if you were on when my daughter ate liquid laundry soap...i set the bottle by the front door. While i was putting away the rest of the groceries she must have tipped it doing so, the cap cracked and leaked all over the floor. When i came back she was covered in it and licking her hands like crazy. She swallowed enough to be spitting bubbles and have a numb mouth for about three hours.. very scary, just follow what posion control says exactly, rather be safe then sorry. No one is a perfect parent, and sometimes freak things like this happen.. dont fault yourself, just watch and make sure she safe. I totally fell your pain tho..i felt like the worst parent for thw longest time. Accidents are accidents tho, i will pray shes okay!!
  • I set McKinley down on a chair when she was six months old looked away for two seconds and bam. Head first onto tile floor. Right after her Dr appointment where they told me to be careful cause falls are the #1 cause of injury for infants. Man, did I feel like the worst mother in the world. But it happens and she's okay. It happens to everyone.
  • @coltensmamma I'm glad that your daughter was ok! I know accidents happen but it still makes me mad that it happened! But she is doing fine and poison control actually just called back to make sure the lily is still doing ok and said that if nothing has happened yet then she will.most likely be fine!
  • @natashalynn Lillian fell off her changing table when she was 6 months old. I turned around to grab a diaper and she rolled right off so I definitely know.things happen. She also has fallen off the bed a few times....just never had to call poison control before
  • I would be so mad at him! Keep an eye on her she'll be okay. I wasn't in that position but think about all the people who smoke while pregnant or smoke around a baby. And their baby's are okay. Just keep a really close eye out.
  • Ya that must of been scary. But that's why there are resources like this out there. Hopefully you never have to call again!
  • And I'm glad she seems okay so far!!
  • @MommyLovesSparkle I am very mad! I'm glad he is going back to Germany Sunday! and He's not coming back to my house I won't let him!

    She is still doing just fine! She ate dinner and went to bed like normal. I'm so happy that it wasn't as bad as it could have been and she is ok! @natashalynn
  • Glad she's doing ok!
  • My son ate half a cigarette before and he was fine. It was horrible and the worst part was he kicked off when I took it off him ha ha kids eh!?! He was fine too but they scare the death out of yoü dont they? Every parent/kids have accidents its part of the journey of life :)
  • Glad she is just fine! I bet you are glad he is gone too!
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