kindle fire hd vs IPad

Just wondering if anyone has opinions on which they prefer and why?


  • I don't have either but my parents are getting me a kindle fire for Christmas. I like it because you can get tons of apps still and I believe it's a lot less expensive
  • Kindle is way cheaper...but man do I love my iPad!
  • edited December 2012
    The iPad is way better , but the kindle fire isn't bad , my 3 yr old got a kindle fire from last year taxes and she loves it, if I could I would have an iPad .plus the kindle is way cheaper and I believe is a good tablet if you can't afford an expensive ipad
  • I have an iPad and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! My kids all love it as well. It's very popular at our house. Lol. I don't have a kindle to compare it to tho. We do have a nook color but it just can't compare to the iPad. Price wise u could get a couple kindles for the price of one iPad tho. Well worth the money IMO.
  • I wasn't sure what I wanted. And I didn't know if the price difference is really worth it. My kids have their own tablet so this would be just for me. I wanted a kindle fire cuz I wanted to read more and I don't really care for the iTunes store but that's just me. I like the fact that the Amazon market can be used on multiple devices where as iTunes sometimes don't let u transfer what u have on one to another. My hubby already has an iPod so I really wouldnt need it for songs.
  • I read a lot on my ipad. The iTunes store is a lot better about Sharing on multiple devices. You can share on up to 5.
  • Really I thought otherwise. Thanks for informing me :) @1stWoodsBaby
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