think you guys will enjoy this lol
So my almost three year old was in the shower last night playing. I was going to go upstairs and put my daughter in the tub and then decided it was a better idea to just shower her off while he was in there playing. (She is 15months lol) well i get her in the shower and say to my son "mommy cant reach the soap, can you hand it to ne so i can wash sissy peepee." ( now in retrospect, i realize this was a very poor choice of words lol) so he gets this funny look as he hands me the soap bottle and says "mommy, sissy doesnt have a peepee, she has TWO BUTTS!" And he was serious as he.could have been. My husband and i died laughing for like a half hour, and now im sitting here laughing about it again. Thought i would give pregly a funny story!
boys willr say when their sister arrives!