Marker on my couch

edited December 2012 in Just for Fun
My 4 yr old daughter comes upstairs and says "mommy I think someone wrote on the couch" I go downstairs to find her name spelled out with purple marker (her fav color) I said "Brooke did you write on mommys couch?" She said "no, junie b did". Our dog!!!. On the bright side, she spelled it right.


  • Oh boy, my son does the same thing...he gets my daughters markers and draws on the couch. He doesn't quite do his name yet bc he is only 2 but we got artwork on our couch lol. If it helps I used a rug Dr attachment and it came up (if its not perm marker) luckily I'm really trying to keep him coloring on his coloring books only...he been alot better with it:)
  • It came right out. She usually colors in her coloring books but for some reason she decided to use the couch. I thought it was funny she blamed our pomeranian.
  • My then 3 yr old drew all over my couch once worth a pen. Luckily after scrubbing it with hot soapy water and then washing it, pretreated with came out.
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