my first u/s was yesterday

edited March 2011 in September 2011
i had my first u/s yesterday. i was only there to hear the heartbeat but they couldnt find it with the Doppler so my dr. sent me to have a u/s. the images were so clear and the heart beat was 170bpm. im 10w4d. it was an awesome experience. and it was cool too see my husbands face light up. has anyone else had the 1st u/s?


  • Yeah. They couldn't find a heart beat.
  • I was nervous but excited I got to see the baby kicking and knowing that its healthy.
  • @pregnantelf i had my first ultrasound yestrday as well! It was amazing!! I was so worried that there wasnt going to be a baby in there...i have been trying to get pregnany for 5yrs and i just thought that it was to good to be true..but it wasnt! My peanut had a heartbeat of 180 and he/she is measuring right on schedule! It was soooo amazing!
  • edited March 2011
    @Ashley_smashley yes amazing. I am so happy for you. It happens when the time is right and wanting it so badly will only make you that much more of a great mom!
  • Yes I am 12w 5d I have had 2 ultrasounds there awesome I loved. It
  • Had mine yesterday as well n found our its 2 n their instead of 1..... Congratz ladies
  • I had my first at 5 weeks only because of previous miscarriage but we couldn't see much. Then I had another at 10 weeks. It was awesome. The nurse did some 3d/4d pics for me which was great. Heartbeat was 170 and I'm hoping that old wives tale about a higher heart rate is true and this one's a girl! Congrats everyone!
  • @Marriedwith_3 congratz on the twins how must have been feeling alot of emotions.
  • @Robinmichele I have heard that wivestale too. I hope you get your girl. I have my fingers crossed for a boy.
  • @PregnantELF emotions is an understatement. Lol
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