seriously?? (with pictures) ** update **

edited December 2012 in Getting pregnant
So hubby and I decided to take a break from the TTC crap. He's in the middle of losing his career due to medical issues and I've got a deployment coming up that I really wanna go on. We have had sex maybe 6 times since Sept... Well I peed on a stick yesterday bc I've been so overly tired and hungry. Came up a very positive. I freak out. Take one this morning and nothing. Uh, excuse me?? I thought fake positives were pretty rare? And this was no evap line... I mean its POSITIVE... Dark pink line and all. Today, nada. Wtf ladies.

Btw, I guess I'm back... The last miscarriage threw me for a loop and its been hell crawling out of that hole.

**** well ladies, behold the mythical false positive. Blood tests came back negative. So I don't know Wtf that positive test was. :(


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