Using others....

edited December 2012 in Breastfeeding
Okay so I have only had a small stock of frozen bm that I've been trying to keep maintained but with my supply getting messed up that one week and everyday life getting in the way I've run out. Well I need it for when I have class so my question is would it be weird to use some of my step mothers stored supply? My baby won't take formula at all so I can't substitute with that.


  • I dont see a problem with it people donate their milk all the time :)
  • I don't find it weird at all. My friend had a stock pile she was not going to us and didn't not wanna throw it out so I took it. I was so greatful
  • Not weird at all. I would have donated had I known more about that area when I had a great supply.
  • Not weird. Maybe if she was being a wet nurse, then it might be strange. But using pumped, go for it!!
  • Nope, not weird at all. My son had a milk donor.
  • I see nothing bad I donated like 16oz of the first milk that comes out when I was in the hospital.
    And my older sister is going to give her hundred and hundred bags of milk to my other sister that is about to have her bby.
    I find it completely normal or ok :)
  • Well I'm hoping she still has some to spare cause I found out the other day she's using it to get my youngest sister switched to cows milk. If she doesn't have any extra idk what I'm going to do.
  • @cant_wait93 @ericak22 @natashalynn @caroline8_p @angie87 @pregoagainyay is she going to be able to tell the difference? I'm afraid she'll reject that too
  • I'd think it'd be unlikely that shed be able to tell the difference. Maybe if the donor ate something strong right before pumping, that you don't often eat. Only really one way to find out. Try to be relaxed when you give it to her, if you're all tense and stressed (about her not taking it) she may pick up on that mood, and get fussy as well and not wanna drink.
  • I dont think so. But im not a doctor also. So idk
  • I'm sure she'll be able to tell a difference because its not from you..because I'm sure the other persons milk will have a different flavor to it from her diet. But who knows she milk really like it!
  • I just hope it doesn't screw up her nursing
  • Am not sure my son didn't care he chuged it down with no problem
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