My baby had a seizure last night
It was the scariest thing that.has.happened to me in my entire life, even today I can't stop crying.
He was perfectly fine when I put him to bed and 2 hours later it hit, I was hystetical. The ambulance came and took him to.the ER. His temp when he got there was 103.5 but they gave him tylenol and ibuprofen and it went down to 98. The doctors said it is fairly.common in babies his age and they did tests to see what could be causing the fever but found.nothing but a slightly red ear. They prescribed antibiotics and since.his temp was normal we went home. This morning it went back up to 103 but we were able to lower it. We went to a follow up with a doctor and again they didn't find anything, said it probably was an the most.frustrating part, that I can NEVER get a straight answer.
Please keep my sweet baby boy in your prayers, I am sick with worry that he might get another one
He was perfectly fine when I put him to bed and 2 hours later it hit, I was hystetical. The ambulance came and took him to.the ER. His temp when he got there was 103.5 but they gave him tylenol and ibuprofen and it went down to 98. The doctors said it is fairly.common in babies his age and they did tests to see what could be causing the fever but found.nothing but a slightly red ear. They prescribed antibiotics and since.his temp was normal we went home. This morning it went back up to 103 but we were able to lower it. We went to a follow up with a doctor and again they didn't find anything, said it probably was an the most.frustrating part, that I can NEVER get a straight answer.
Please keep my sweet baby boy in your prayers, I am sick with worry that he might get another one
I got scared every time my son had a tiny elevation. Lol. His last one was over a year ago. So im hoping that was the end of it. We always rushed him to er ourself. But thats cuz we didnt trust the ambulance. Lol.
@everyone thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I am still so scared. I cry every day and I can't stop, I don't know how to be strong. I just keep remembering how he looked and it brings me to tears. The scariest part is that it happened when we were both sleeping and he was in his crib, I only happened to wake up and hear him making weird noises. How am I ever going to be able to put him in his crib alone? I don't think I will ever be able to.
Four years old and 26lbs. My 1-1/2 year old son weighs more than she does. (This happened when she was 18mo).
@Angel26 don't be sorry for the long response, I appreciate it very much. He is going to be 14mo in a few days. Omg I can't imagine going through it as many times as you did, and to top it off not get a straight answer as to why. Our poor babies do not deserve to go through this, its truly heart breaking. I know I am going to be trsumatized for a long time now.