My baby had a seizure last night

It was the scariest thing that.has.happened to me in my entire life, even today I can't stop crying.

He was perfectly fine when I put him to bed and 2 hours later it hit, I was hystetical. The ambulance came and took him to.the ER. His temp when he got there was 103.5 but they gave him tylenol and ibuprofen and it went down to 98. The doctors said it is fairly.common in babies his age and they did tests to see what could be causing the fever but found.nothing but a slightly red ear. They prescribed antibiotics and since.his temp was normal we went home. This morning it went back up to 103 but we were able to lower it. We went to a follow up with a doctor and again they didn't find anything, said it probably was an the most.frustrating part, that I can NEVER get a straight answer.

Please keep my sweet baby boy in your prayers, I am sick with worry that he might get another one


  • Omg that's horrible I can't imagine how scary that is prayers for him. I would be so frustrated with them not being able to find out the cause
  • I'm soo sorry. I'm soo scared of that. I have epilepsy so seizures run in the family so I'm pretty sure Scarlett will have them one day it's scary and can be dangerous. Keep an eye on him. If it ever happens again just keep him on his side the best u can. But I hope and pray this is one time thing.
  • I am so sorry to hear that. That must have been so scary. How is he doing? I hope he's better. But I'd for sure be pissed off that they didn't give you a reason. I will pray for baby Zori. Julian was had that dry cough last night which kept him up all night and he was wheezing. We took Julian to the Dr today and he has an ear infection:(
  • Sounds like febrial seizures. A young girl in my preschool class had them and I had to take her temp multiple times a day. Keep his temp down as much as possible w/ ice and his meds and if it does happen again, as soon as it starts start timing it. I know its hard to think about that but it is very important. Her mom was another teacher in the daycare and she told me to look at the clock right away b/c if it goes more then 5min the doctors need to know... (Shes 3 btw...)
  • Definitely a febrile seizure. It is horrifying, but harmless. My daughter had one as well. I called 911 thinking she was dying and was so hysterical that I couldn't give the operator my address. She started yelling at me. Ambulance was there withintthree minutes. Hope your Lo feels better!
  • edited December 2012
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  • Thank you everyone. Yes they did say it was a febrile seizure. It doesn't take the worry away, I cannot ever see him like that again, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy to go through that.
  • @captivated I thought the same thing, I was screaming like if someone was trying to kill me, it was the scariest thing to see and to feel so helpless. The operator also yelled at me.
  • @juliansmommy poor baby :( fevers always scared me but now I will be terrified every time he gets sick.
  • They treated me like an idiot. Like, Aw just a febrile seizure...well, didn't look like it to me. To me she was dying. Eyes rolled back, not breathingand jerking around. Terrifying.
  • Thats scary. Last night my lo had a fever of 104.9
  • that's scary hope ur baby doing better... sry to ask but if a fever gets high enough baby's get seizuer????
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  • Im sorry. But i completely know how you feel. My youngest son had 4. The fever is what caused the seizer. My husband was the only one for his 1st one while i was out of town. His last one was his worst and i was terrified. I hope for your sake thats his only one.
  • @roxy the seizer happens if the fever goes up to fast. If it happens graduly(sp) the seizer shouldnt happen.
    I got scared every time my son had a tiny elevation. Lol. His last one was over a year ago. So im hoping that was the end of it. We always rushed him to er ourself. But thats cuz we didnt trust the ambulance. Lol.
  • @angel26 never knew this wow
  • Awwww... I couldnt imagine that. Keep us updated.
  • @roxy i didnt either until my youngest had it happen. But they said he would grow out of it. So far it seems like he has.
  • Your lo is in my prayer!
  • If fevers keep coming back after taking antibiotics, I would definitely demand more test. I keep watching this show "Monsters inside me" on the animal planet and it has scared me for life!
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  • @captivated @angel26 were your LO's sick when they got them?

    @everyone thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I am still so scared. I cry every day and I can't stop, I don't know how to be strong. I just keep remembering how he looked and it brings me to tears. The scariest part is that it happened when we were both sleeping and he was in his crib, I only happened to wake up and hear him making weird noises. How am I ever going to be able to put him in his crib alone? I don't think I will ever be able to.
  • @excitedforoctober no, he wasnt sick to our knowaldge any of the times. We didnt know anything was wrong til it happened. How old is your lo? Caden had is first fever seizer shortly after his 1st bday. My husband was home alone with him and my oldest. He called me and told me what happened snd i told him to take him to the hospital. I was terrified cuz i didnt know what was wrong with my son. I ended up driving home. The 2nd time was just a couple seconds of an episode. My mom was watching him. It scared her to death, i was at work. I took him to the dr and they said he was ok. That he didnt have a seizer, that wasnt our reg pedi. The 3rd/4th one was the worst. The 3rd started at home, we hurried and loaded him in the car and my oldest. I was actually holding him when that one happened, he was sleeping one me and started seizing. I couldnt wake him, his lips were blue. We rushed him to er, it was snowing. When we got to er he started seizing again and the rushed him to trauma. Scariest day of my life. They had to load him with tonz of medication to make him stop but it took a while for him to stop. I was terrified. I almost colaptsed(sp) because i seen life flight piolates come in. If he wouldnt have stopped they were going to life flight him to the childrens hospital. I thought i was going to die cuz i didnt know what would happen. I rrmember it like it was last night. He has been over a year without a seizer. Thank god. They even did mri and an epilepsi test. Everything was normal. There was no explanation for his seizers. I still get worried when hes sick. I know that its scary. Believe me, ive been through. All you can do is sit there watching your inocent child shaking and not responding. Its the scariest thing i have delt with for all 3 of my kids so far. I really hope and pray your lo doesnt do that again. If you want to talk, im here. I know how you feel.
  • Sorry for the book.
  • edited December 2012
    Yes, mine had had strep for over a week that had turned into rheumatic fever. We went to four ERs that week and had an ambulance called once before that. No one did a strep test. said it was just viral. She now has to see a cardiologist and I have been told she has suffered growth retardation as a result of heart issue from rheumatic fever. She's perfect. Just small :)

    Four years old and 26lbs. My 1-1/2 year old son weighs more than she does. (This happened when she was 18mo).
  • edited December 2012
    @captivated omg :( that's what is pissing me off, that they can't give me a reason other than "its probably an ear infection". I am in the process of switching his OVEr to get a second opinion.

    @Angel26 don't be sorry for the long response, I appreciate it very much. He is going to be 14mo in a few days. Omg I can't imagine going through it as many times as you did, and to top it off not get a straight answer as to why. Our poor babies do not deserve to go through this, its truly heart breaking. I know I am going to be trsumatized for a long time now.
  • @excitedforoctober it was very traumatizing. Lol. I just wanted you to know im here, ive been through it. When he had the seizers they discovered sore throat or strept.
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