
edited December 2012 in Just for Fun
Ok, well I didnt really post much about my little birthday girl because I was so surprised about what happened. So thats what this post is about.
Kirsten is is now 1 year old. I cant believe how fast this year has gone. Our family has been through so much. And kirsten has grown so fast. I still remember her birth like it was last week. Lol. All the false alarms she put me through, all the pain. But I can truely say she was well worth it. She is my perfect angel and I love her so much. She is a walking pro. She says things like hi, bite, momma dad. And some others. Of course its not perfect english lol, its baby english. Lol. But we understand her. She sakes her head yes and no. she sticks out her tounge and its so She has some baby dolls and likes to hold them and give them loves. She loves her brothers so much. She is always going in their room to play with them. Its cute. And of course her brothers love her. Lol. She is a big tease, lol, while my inlaws were here for her birthday she would tease them. She would walk right up to them and turn around smiling. It was cute. I just cant believe how big she is. And how much she has learned. I love her so much I could just burst. I couldnt imagine my life without her. She is my perfect angel from above to save me from insanity. I love her brothers, dont get me wrong. They are good kids. Im just stuggling with them alot lately. I am hoping to change that soon. But my daughter makes me feel complete. Like something was missing but now I found it. Has anyone ever felt that way after a child who may not have been the 1st? @wilsomom @thehumancrocpot @anyone who has more than 1 child. I feel like I would be ok if I didnt have anymore. I love my family, we have been through so much and we are all still together.
Sorry its so long. I just wanted to give a little update about her. I will try to put some pictures up, but my phone was dead during her party so I only had my camera. Lol. Also, being around you ladies has sure helped me get through this past year and more. It has sure changed, but I still cant leave. Lol. Thank you so much everyone.


  • Awww soo sweet! Happy birthday :) and hope the boys get little easier for you!
  • What a beautiful post about your daughter! She must be so cute! I always feel like each new blessing completes our family, but then if I have another one I feel that way all over again. :) I'm glad you were able to write some positives now after the horrible tragedy on her birthday. And just keep working on those boys, they take a lot of work, but they'll come around eventually! :)
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