help and advice please

ok so i have an 18month old and a 3weeks old! when the youngest was first born my older one was brilliant! now hes taken to throwing thing! not always at his brother sometimes just randomly, but literally food, juice, toys, his dummy you name it he will throw it! wat can i do to stop him? luckily he hasnt hit his brother but om scared we wont always catch him and one day he might and he could hurt him!?


  • Are you finding time to dedicate solely to him? He's most likely throwing things to gain your attention.
  • Its pretty common for older kids to act out when a new baby comes along. Some kids regress back to 'babies' themselves for a while. Its mostly an attention thing. Maybe make a half hour or an hour each day solely dedicated to him, to play, make mess, paint, whatever, but without baby. See if it helps.
  • let him help like get you diaper, wipes, powder, maybe other things. I know sometimes they just feel left out at first but they snap out of it. Good luck it will be ok. :)
  • i let him do all these things! he helps with baby! as soon as he wakes up in the mornin he gives baby kisses and then we have time together during the day when baby sleeps and at night we have a solid hour before he goes to bed where its just him and me and daddy! @jules @joshandeviesmum @mijita
  • Uhm , in that case maybe hes just having a tough time adjusting. Its still really early days hon. Im sure he'l settle. When he acts out, maybe redirect him to something else, but be consistent and he'l soon learn.
  • Well sounds like you're doing great job. Just keep it up its transition for him. But that doesn't mean he should get away with everything. My dad always said u take certain things away say no and when they throw fit at that age u just let them be don't give it attention. And then when he does good things show him a lot of love that way your promoting the good behavior maybe after some time he will know that's best way to get the attention not doing the bad things.
  • I have that same problem well my son is starting to come around he kisses hom and hugs him and even though we have a lot of us time he is still throwing tantrum s to get attention. I put up all the toys that could hirt the baby and left his soft stuffed animals and soft styrofoam balls. Worked out great for me. Wheb baby is sleeping we play with his toys that are put up and then when he is awake we put them right back up
  • @salasmommy that sounds like a great idea! i am going to try putting things away out of his reach and see if he begins to learn
  • My 15 month old is going through a throwing phase too & he 's still the baby! Lol Maybe it's just something he's learned & it's not related to the baby at all. I think my lo is just exploring how things (& people) respond when he throws stuff. We're working on teaching him it's not a good thing though!
  • @wilsomom its a pain isnt it! the prob i have is that he throws things at the baby!
    today things got a whole lot worse he has started slapping! slapping me, his dad, his grand parents and then tonight im getting baby changed and he slapped baby on the chest! then tried to get his face as i picked him up to give him loves!
    i cried so bad cos baby cried and i shouted at my 18month old! i felt bad for shoutin cos i dont think he knows what he is doing hurts, but he has to learn not to do it! im kinda at my wits end on how to stop him before he really hurts baby :-(
  • Mine tried the slapping thing too. I'd just say a firm no, then if he did it again I'd give him a little swat on his diapered bottom while saying no again...not enough to hurt, but enough that he knew I was serious. It worked cause he doesn't do it anymore, but he'll try sometimes & look at me like "are you watching me...hmmm" lol Don't worry we all raise our voices sometimes. :) Maybe what I did would work for's worth a shot anyways. :)
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