Not doing too great

It's not even been a month since I lost my fiancée, I thought I was being really strong and handling it ok but I'm realizing I'm not.. I'm feeling extremely lonely and just wanted attention and for people to talk to me.. That is not working out the way I would have wanted :-/ I have 5 different guys just trying to take advantage of me and wanting to sleep with me... I don't understand how they can be so selfish when all I wanted was someone to talk too... My first thought was oh this is nice guys still want me and I was feeling lonely enough I was thinking about it but I then remembered that's not the type of person I am. Im just so confused and hurt


  • Honey, thats part of the grieving process. Dont feel bad. At least you had the strength not to sleep with them. When my dad died, my mum went through a really bad patch, she slept with a load of guys because she was looking for comfort i guess. I dont imagine that i could even begin to understand the pain youre going through but i do know that you WILL get through this. Baby steps mama, one day, even one hour, at a time. And slowly, it will hurt less. It will always hurt, but youl somehow get to know the grief, and it wont consume you the way it does now.
  • I'm sorry, I can't even imagine how hard this must be. :( Baby steps are a great idea. Just focus on getting through one little thing at a time. Praying for you.
  • Im so sorry you are going through this. All i can say is dont do anything you wilk regret later. You feel lonely right now and that is part of the grieving process but how bad will you feel if you actually sleep with someone you never wanted to just bc you felt lonely. try talking to a person of the same sex as you when you feel alone. I am here if you need anything i can pm u my number if youd like. Try to take it day by day its ok to cry and its ok to feel hurt. Somedays its even ok to feel like you r never going to get througj it and im not going to lie somedays you will feel like it. The pain never goes away but you learn how to cope and live life.
  • I'm so sorry :(. That is selfish of them. but at least you know now before it's too late and you are strong. all of this is so new and the fact that you can recognize what those men are doing is great! I think most people would not be able to do that. I know I wouldn't know the difference if I was going through tuff time like you. but I agree I think u should talk to some girl friends they would be much better at advice anyways and much better at listening. everything will be ok you just need a lot more time, especially if talking to guys.
  • :( just stay strong. And give it time. Find greif support groups through church, craigslist, online, etc
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