my boobs hurt!!!

edited December 2012 in Breastfeeding
So I am a little over 7 weeks pregnant and am still nursing an 18 month old. Good grief my nipples hurt!!! He nurses so much I don't even count. Most of it is pacifying. My mom (who doesn't know I'm pregnant yet) suggested that, if I can't ease him off of it,I might want to consider a pacifier. He WILL pitchan ever laying temper tantrum for an hour if I refuse the breast that long.the only time he won't is when I'm at work. Anyone know anything I can do to cut back while I'm home?


  • bump but if u find out let me know I'm ready to call it quites
  • @Roxy Will do! Tried to give him a paci and he fussed until he got the real thing. :-[ I guess I'll just keep trying.
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