when do kids stop napping??

edited December 2012 in Ages & Stages
McKinley is 18 months now, and for the past few weeks she just has not wanted to nap. She's tired, its obvious, but I can't for the life of me get her to take a nap. Just curious if she's trying to tell me she doesn't want them anymore, or if she's just being stubborn. Tia ladies!


  • My three year old is still taking between and 2.5 and 3 hour nap each day. My 16 month old takes two two hour naps still... just sharing my experience...i think at that age it is still necessary for them to be napping.
  • Nyla is 15 months & she still naps twice a day & sleeps thru the night for at least 10 to 12 hrs :) all i have to do is give nyla a bottle & she will pull her favorite blanky n,snuggle herself to sleep. I never have to rock her Or sing Or tap her bottom. I have it really good with nyla so i kno if i ever have a second Baby its going to give me hell lol
  • I read that at 18 months they need 10-12 hours of sleep a night and about a 75 minute nap. My son is 18 months and is pretty close to that.
  • @coltensmamma omg haha you lucky lady. Even if I get her to be quiet in her room its never longer than half hour and I'm pretty sure she's not sleeping.

    @nylasmommy sounds like you've got a perfect sleeper!! We don't rock McKinley to sleep at night, we put her in completely awake and have been since she was about 5 months. It's just naps that have always been troublesome.
    @benjaminsmomma she's sleeping 12 hours a night, from around 730-730 give or take an hour. She just doesn't want to nap. I've tried doing a bit earlier (in case she wasn't sleeping from being too tired and fussy) and I've tried doing it later (to wear her out more) I've tried rocking, singing, just putting her in there, and letting her hang out. But if I get her in there without tears, she just talks and plays. I've tried taking away anything she could play with, then she just makes a game out of playing with her clothes! This kid is crazy lol
  • Lol maybe she just isn't a napper. Sometimes my son will only take a 20 minute nap if we we are out and is still happy. They are too excited to play and explore at this age to waste time napping!
  • Ollie sleeps around 11-12 hrs a night and only takes 1nap a day... Sometimes that nap is an hour..sometimes 3. And sometimes he won't nap at all but just want to sit in the rocker and snuggle. (Snuggling is my Fav!)
  • Savanah is almost 15 months and still takes atleast 1 nap sometimes 2 total of about 2-3 hours of naps and usually sleeps about 12 hours at night
  • Well I know my friends 4 year old takes nap still. Just keep trying maybe like do something calming for little right before. That's hard one since can't really force this kind of stuff.
  • I also recommend making the room as dark & quiet as possible, that seems to help a lot for us. One of mine took naps until age 5 but most around 2.5 to 3. We ALL do a quiet time every afternoon though whether they sleep or not. ;)
  • @wilsomom quiet time is the best! You don't have to nap but you do have to be calm!
  • @ashley_smashley Yes! I love it, sometimes I even get to catch some z's myself. Lol
  • My oldest stopped at 3yrs. He does still take one at pre k, but he won't at home.
  • My almost 14 month old sometimes won't take a nap
  • My 4.5 yo step daughter still takes about a 3 hour nap during the times we have her!! And my 16 month old naps about 2-3 hours a day and 11 hours at night.
  • I think they go through stages where they don't nap and then get back into it. There are some kids at the daycare that I work at that are 1 and don't nap and some that are 4 going on 5 and still do lol
  • My oldest stopped the day he turned 3
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