people think its a joke......

edited December 2012 in Just for Fun
what if the world would have ended my hubby got this text from a friend idk were he got it from



  • edited December 2012
    All these fakes are cracking me up. Its a bunch of pics of that same city with different backgrounds of the world ending. Some funny and some kinda a bit scary, but still funny.

    The fact that Australia is 14 hours (CST) ahead of us (13hrs EST & 16hr PST). If this did happen 12/21/12 2:38AM in Australia. That would mean the world ended yesterday 12/20/12 for us.
  • @veevee like I know no one knows when the world well end and I dnt believe all this but wat if it had people just find all this as a joke
  • People find it as a joke for the fact that they have been saying the world is going to end more than twice already and yet here we are .
  • Apparently according to the history channel thwarted Hopi Indians have said the world ended 3 times and also the fourth is coming. It will be just a brand new world kinda lujq after the ice age. And the thing is the deciphered all this from a stick drawing the Hopi did back in the day. The end of the Mayan calendar was just supposed to mean the world was in for a big change like after the ice age also.

    According to the bible so many things that supposed to happen prior to the world ending haven't happened yet. Also no one will know when its gonna happen. It's a verse in Matthew in the bible.

    I always get nervous even tho I know this bc I watch too much walking dead lol...and I know people would go crazy and start looting and shooting.
  • Lol they do this every couple years.
  • I guess we're not dying???
    Lol \:D/
  • I'm guessing ppl have been saying the world is going to end for thousands of years. It's just easier to spread fear now with all our technology.
  • Pretty cool picture even if it is real or fake.
  • edited December 2012
    People already know the world will end that's why they wanna play the guessing game. But no person on earth will have the ability to know when the world will end. Their not God.
  • @Roxy Its just funny how that pic is all over the internet with different backgrounds. They had one with Pikachu with red eyes.
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